Monday, September 30, 2024

Whew...Just a Bad Drea....

Ha ha I had this dream where the Democrats had gone completely insane and were trying to nuke free speech, open the borders, confiscate guns, indoctrinate everyone with Critical Race Theory...and....I know this is twisted, but...brainwash and sexually mutilate kids...
And the Republican candidate was...Donald Trump!
Not even the young, well-spoken Donald Trump...but crotchety, Grandpa Simpson version of Donald Trump...
Ha ha.
What a nightmare.
Of course none of that could ever happen in the real...uh...

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Trump: Kamala Harris "Mentally Impaired"

Eh, it's not the falsest thing I've ever heard...
It was an insult, not a serious claim.
There's a difference.
He still shouldn't have said it. Not only because it's imprudent, and he just handed some votes over to Harris. But also because it's objectively f*cked up.
Why is he such a dumbass about this sort of thing?
She's certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Neither, of course, is the Trumpstrosity.
Both of them seemed to have been sharper in their youth. 
At the age of 35, Trump seems to have been intelligent and thoughtful.
His life arc seems like that of Grandpa Simpson who, in his youth, was a sharp, two-fisted Fighting Hellfish...but, in his dotage, was...well...Grandpa Simpson...
Harris also, at least on some occasions, sounded smart around the age of 35.
Now they both sound like utter morons.
To some extent, I think Trump is just fed up with the bullshit.
But, to some extent, he really is a Trumpified Grandpa Simpson.
Kamala just doesn't seem very smart...but, to some extent, she's concealing her actual, hard-left positions--gun-confiscation, depolicing, open borders, transgender surgeries for illegal alien terrorists on death row...

But back to the point at hand: Trump's a jackass.

He's not exactly wrong...
As I believe, and have said many times: progressivism is a mental disorder.
(Well, at least he's no worse than I am...)
He's within bounds by saying that anyone who would implement the Harris-Biden border policy is mentally impaired. That's no worse than the Democrats saying that you have to be a Nazi to kick out the people they let in illegally...

Eh, but I'm just sick of his shit already.

Dude is f*cking exhausting...

Contrary to the Politically Correct / Progressive Consensus, an Enormous Number of Criminal Aliens are Crossing into the U.S.

Contrary to Media Myths, U.S. Urban Crime Rates Are Up

There are some reasons to quibble with this, but, so far as I can tell, it's generally right.
The Uniform Crime Report data is messed up e.g. because some cities haven't reported their numbers (probably to keep from publicizing the problem). But the National Crime Victimization Survey doesn't rely on police reports. Also the NCVS is just generally a more accurate accounting of crime than the UCR--again, as I understand it. Also, since "depolicing," "decarcertation," etc. many (e.g. Soros-funded) prosecutors simply stopped prosecuting many crimes. So they don't show up in the UCR.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Barr "Dumbfounded" DOJ Released Letter by Attempted Trump Assassin Offering Reward for Assassinating Trump

Authorities refused to release the letter of the "trans" Nashville school shooter, citing possible "harm"...
Though I think it was a state-level decision in the latter case.
Not sure.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"Trump Should Be Running Away With This Election. Why Isn't He?"

Because he is temperamentally unfit for the Presidency and should never be anywhere near the Oval Office?

Tumulty: GOP Keeps Finding New Ways to Insult Vagina-Owners / Uterus-Havers / Birthing Bipeds / Chest-Feeders

O, wad some Power the giftie gie us....

Harris vs. the Filibuster

This alone constitutes an extremely strong argument against Harris.

Just one more reason that voting for the crazy jackass is the less-terrible option.

Charybdis 2024!

More Tariffs from Trump?

My honest opinion about this is that a lot of his tariff-talk at foreign countries is just a negotiating ploy. He's even said as much more-or-less sotto voce. It's not as plausible a hypothesis in cases like this one, though.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Did Vance Say That it's OK for Him to Lie About Haitians Eating Cats in Order to Bring Attention to Immigration Problems?

I really hope I misunderstood him.

MTG Strikes Again: ABC Debate Whistleblower Dies in Mysterious Car Crash!!!

Probably driving through Arkansas and taken out by the Jewish space laser...
The Dems are now a bunch of cultists in the thrall of their wacko ideology... But the Pubs have a bunch of freestyle loons just out there believing everything that the see on Twixxer and the facepage.
Honestly, how can anybody be this stupid?
The question of the accusations in the affidavit remains open. They're consistent with things the Dems have done in the past, and consistent with what we saw at the debate. I don't believe them, but I won't be a bit surprised if they turn out to be true.

Republicans Pounce! on: Kamala's Oprah Word Salad

And, um...she may have been using a teleprompter...
This is the best bit of the story:
David Rothkopf, a former senior official in President Bill Clinton's administration and the CEO and editor-in-chief of the DSR Network, was among those who praised Harris for her performance, which he called "extraordinary."
"It has heart. It is deeply moving. It is human. It is not about politics it is about people. And the Vice President is the reason it is possible," Rothkopf wrote.
He added: "We talk about her joy and her intellect and her strength. Talk about her heart."
Imagine that your job is to say shit like that.
Worse...imagine believing shit like that.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Pervasiveness of Optimistic Polling Spin

Everywhere I look I see Republicans spinning polls their direction and Dems spinning them in theirs.
Spin, spin, spin.
Me, if anything, I'm more prone to fixate on bad polling news...
Though I do my best to take every poll with a grain of salt--which I thought was standard practice. But, if I'm going to take one over-seriously, it'll probably be bad news.
Strange to me how peremptorily and even angrily each side rejects unfavorable poll results.
One exception is a certain faction on r/conservative. This faction responds to almost all polling news with some version of: Ignore the polls. Get out and vote.
R/politics is insane, of course, and reacts to unfavorable polls accordingly.

Incidentally: as I understand it, Nate Silver's projection has switched, and now Harris is slightly favored.
Oh well.

The Mark Robinson Files, or: Yet Another GOP Trainwreck

LOOOL where do the Republicans find these guys?
What a psycho.

(Jonny Quest's commentary: "What kind of weirdo comments on pr0n sites?")

RCP Top Battlegrounds: Tied

   Since I said something about the betting markets, I guess I'll also point out: RCP "top battlegrounds" are tied.
   I've never seen that this measure mattered much, because it's individual swing states that matter--and PA is what really matters this time.
   RCP has Harris up by 0.7 in PA--but that seems to be an illusion based on old, implausibly high blue polls like the anomalous Quinnipiac and NYT/Sienna polls.
   Sidebar: it wouldn't surprise me if the Pubs lose NC over this crazy Robinson thing. Now, I have no idea whether the accusations are true--I just haven't looked into them. But if they are, there's no way that guy can be Governor.

Harris Leads In All Betting Markets, Including IEM

Harris leads in all the betting markets RCP tracks, and in the Iowa Electronic Markets.
I think this is terrible, of course...but I think the other option would also be terrible. So, hey, no reason to be apprehensive, really.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Noonan: Harris is the Artless Dodger

I'm not impressed by Noonan, either...but, then, she's not running for President...
   Harris is, IMO, just terrible. The whole Harris phenomenon is terrible. First: the witless "vibes"-based campaign...that whole "brat" nonsense, whatever the hell that was, was perhaps the cringiest thing I've ever seen in American politics...including HRC's hot sauce pandering. (To be clear: the cringiest--not the worst.) Then we get no policies and no interviews for weeks (months?). Then when she does give interviews, they're not just friendly, but obsequious...and she still responds to most question with word salad. If I hear her I was born a poor black child shtick one more time I'm going to lose it. (And, of course, her mother was a Stanford research scientist and her dad was a Stanford economist. If that's middle class, it's upper middle class. And 'middle class' is used to mean everything from blue collar to basically rich.)
   And, of course: she was the leftmost Senator. Now she's pretending to be a centrist. No one with more than two brain cells to rub together can possibly fall for that. Biden always really was roughly a centrist, and he mostly governed as a solid progressive. Replace him with Harris see where I'm going with this.
   So, anyway, Nooners is basically right: 
   Harris is an empty suit.
   And Trump is awful.
   But he was plausibly a B+ President...up until the end.
   Much as I wish he'd just go away, there's no contest, IMO, if we ask this question: do we want four more Trump years or four more Biden years?
   It's no accident that Harris is hesitant to state her policies, and incompetent to talk about the faux policies she largely cribbed from Biden's website. We know what her real policies are: narrower free speech protections, gun confiscation, more transing of children, pseudo-sex-change surgery for illegal alien criminals and detainees, more racialist politics, more government interference in the economy. And probably more taxes...and more taxes wasted on climate hysteria. And more Sotomayors and KBJ's on SCOTUS.
   Trump and Harris.
   Basically Scylla and Charybdis.

The Kamalabot 2000: Vacuous Yet Incoherent

God, she's terrible.
Sean Fitzgerald, the Actual Justice Warrior (from whom I steal 'Kamalabot 2000') walks through some of the gory details:

New Scientist: "All the Evidence" Points to a Natural Origin of COVID-19 at the Wuhan Wet Market

The title at the site is the less-provocative and almost-defensible:
"Evidence points to Wuhan market as source of covid-19 outbreak"
Well, some evidence does...
Though the actual title still seems dishonest to me, as it sounds like it is asserting that, overall, that's where the evidence points.
   This is basically a marketing ploy I first noticed 20 years ago at put a provocative title-link on the front page, then a more-accurate title on the actual story. Also: de-escalate the front-page title a couple of hours after the story drops.
   I glanced at some of the details of the story, appropriately digested by experts. The arguments have moved past the point at which I can make much of them...though, to the extent that I can make heads or tails of them (and their ilk), I'm often surprised at how similar they are to more ordinary arguments--including in their sketchiness.
   The new study seems to have been published in Cell (publisher of the Proximal Origins paper), which I guess has become the house organ of lab-leak denialism.
   Not that anyone doubts this, but: the Powers That Be really, really, really do not want the lab-leak hypothesis to be true. Which doesn't mean that it is true...but it's good to keep in mind what's happening here. This is the same kind of mindset that led the NPCs in in the medical and psychological communities to ensconce the idea of Aleph-null many genders as orthodoxy: a powerful, politically-motivated elite throwing its weight behind one of the competing hypotheses--generally the (often far) less plausible one... This all happened in the debate about the "social construction" of race quite some time ago in anthropology. "Socially constructed" means so many different things that it barely means anything at all...but it's the politically correct position, and now even believing that races are biological kinds is considered racist...
   Well, anyway.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

More on the ABC Debate Alleged Whistleblower

CNN: Trump's Election Fraud Falsehoods Could Cost the GOP the House

A fairly partisan take, unsurprisingly, but possibly right.
The odds of Trump doing something stupid and blowing it are always substantial, IMO.

Harris Says Gov't Can Come Into Your "Locked Home," Make Sure You Are Storing Your Guns "Responsibly"

See, now this kind of totalitarian insanity is why people are voting for the nutty Billionaire.
Me probably included.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Galston: A U.S. National Debt Crisis is Coming

This I am inclined to think is a crisis.
Notably, Democrats have been (I believe) more willing to address the deficit (which is really just a first step) than have Republicans. Clinton used to talk about using the "peace dividend" to pay down the debt.
But no dice. I still think Al Gore would have pushed for that. Damned Butterfly ballots...
Although Obama racked up more total debt than any previous President, Trump racked up more per year. Of course that doesn't exactly count, given COVID. (I thought Trumpbucks were a good idea at the time...but upon reflection I'm skeptical.)
(Not to drag other stuff into this, but: I consider the vast government expenditures based on global warming hysteria to be doubly harmful, as that money could have been spent on this genuine crisis.)
Oh and: I know virtually nothing about economics, so...

Paging All Hamassholes...Please Call Your SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS

I've always been pro-Israel...even though I don't think they're a very good ally. I'm just a philosemite, like most red-blooded American boys of my generation. And [insert well-known arguments] so I'm an intuitive philoZionist. Because the Holocaust. Also the terrorism. And yes, I realize that those are not exactly unassailable reasons. But I'm just being honest here.
   At any rate, I'm also going to admit that I was very, very happy to hear about the exploding pagers.
   LOL typical Mossad, amirite?
   I'm not making arguments here, I'm not considering arguments on the other side, I'm just reporting my gut-level reaction. I'm not proud of it, I'm not ashamed of it, I'm not anything of it.
   Just reporting.

Unscientific UnAmerican Channels the Spirit of Trofim Lysenko...Episode MCXVIII

Ya know how, when some moron does something really stupid or awful, but, during the course of it, they do some other little thing...some total asshat move...that somehow is almost even more jaw-dropping in its purity of idiocy and/or shittiness? Well, here's UnSciUnAm:
...for only the second time in our magazine’s 179-year history, the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is Kamala Harris.
Lemme fix that for you:
...for only the second time in our magazine’s 179-year history--but the second time in the last two elections--the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is Kamala Harris.
 There's a lot to carp about in this extremely stupid piece, but I'm in a hurry and tired of hearing myself carp about stupid things. The central complaint is, of course, climate change and the candidates' respective attitudes about it. Of course I think Trump is righter about this than Harris, who seems to me to be a standard-issue progressive fantasist about the subject... But even if I agreed with Harris about it, I'd hope I'd still be opposed to the politicization of a--formerly--good popular science publication. I'd certainly be against them endorsing Trump...or any other candidate that I can think of.
   I mean, if they're going to comment on some such issue, gender ideology would seem to be the largest, slowest target on the horizon. It's outright pseudoscience...but, like climate apocalypticism, it's progressive pseudoscience... Not dumb creationism or...or...jeez, what's another righty pseudoscience? I mean, of course there's anti-vax hysteria...but that's not really a single, well-developed body of thought... Well, good enough: anti-vax hysteria.
   One of the main lessons of the last decade: ideology is stronger than least on the left...
   I hold out substantial hope, however, for the center...and even a tiny shred of hope for the right...sorta...but only a shred. Well, maybe a shredlet.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Christopher Rufo: Cat-Eaters of Ohio

The red team seems more-or-less dedicated to self-destruction and self-clownification.
Rufo's done great work. But this seems like a rather bad idea. As someone on X-Twitter pointed out, those are fresh chickens on the grill, not cats.
   Haitians are a questionable target of right-wing ire. As a group they apparently have a high average income. At least one factory-owner in Springfield says they're hard workers--better than the locals he's been employing. And they seem to be mostly legal immigrants. For one thing, their asylum claims seem legit--plausibly so, anyway. OTOH, apparently huge numbers of them were brought here en masse by Biden-Harris. And that's a practice about which I'm a bit skeptical--but I don't know enough to have a firm opinion.
   Anyway. This seems like (a) an objectively bad line of argument for the red team, and (b) a huge self-own. There are legitimate, pressing concerns about illegal immigration. The left really has lost its mind about this. But instead of focusing on major points, Trump, Vance, et al. have been backed into a losing battle over Haitians eating cats in OH.
   I mean, the Dems are just objectively better at this kind of warfare. For one thing, they have a massive propaganda apparatus that the Pubs can in no way match. However, the Pubs are also the stupid party... And they leapt for this story when it was less than half-baked. And, yeah, to some extent their eager audience seems to have done so out of racism. Finally! An actual case...
   What a loathsome wreck this election is.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Lester Holt Suggests Trump and Vance are Responsible for Assassination Attempt (#2)...Because of Haitian Cat-Eating Rhetoric

Off and on of late--and especially today--I've thought: I can't vote for that crazy sonofabitch, regardless of how crazy the Democrats are...
But, ya know...this sort of thing makes me think that the t-shirt has it right:

Because fuck you, that's why

It really is a reason in itself.
As they often say over at Instapundit: you don't hate the MSM enough.

Incidentally: I wish Trump and Vance would both shut their big dumb mounts about the Haitians in Springfield, OH. I'm not disputing that.

But my God...

Is Kamala Harris Really a Gun-Owner?

I kinda doubt it.
But I've heard that just about every prosecutor owns one.
So maybe.

"Harris Refused to Practice Mannerisms Before Trump Debate"

They sure did look strangely rehearsed...

Another Assassination Attempt Against Trump

When you repeatedly say the guy is Hitler, this is the sort of thing you get.

Harris's Lies in the Debate

via Insty:

Project 2025 – Lie

National abortion ban – Lie

“Very fine people” hoax – Lie

Will be a Dictator – Lie

Blaming Trump for Afghanistan- Lie

Racism and division by Trump – Lie

Never said she will ban fracking – Lie

Rally goers leaving early – Lie

“I will go over my plan” – Lie

Police died on Jan 6th – Lie

“Bloodbath” comment – Lie

Trumps stance on IVF – Lie

Won’t take guns – Lie

Trump weak on foreign policy – Lie

Trump friends with Putin, Un – Lie

Trump inciting Jan 6. – Lie

Turley on the Debate: With Fact-Checks Like These, How Does Truth Stand A Chance?

The moderators were extremely biased. Turley cites three of the biggest lies Harris got away with:
  • Crime is down during the Biden-Harris administration
  • Harris did not support publicly-funded simulated sex-change operations for illegal alien inmates and detainees.
  • Harris does not support legalizing abortions in the final three months of pregnancy
I'd add:
  • Trump called Nazis and white supremacists at Charlottesville "very fine people."
There were others, but I can't bring myself to watch that shit show again.
Trump stole the show with the Haitians in Springfield, OH, eating pets lie. And, subsequently, he seems to have said he'd deport these legal immigrants... The right is all abuzz about that story, believes it implicitly, and, of course, Trump goes right along with it. Dumbass.
   The general idea of "fact-"checking these things live was a bad idea. I'm surprised how biased the mods actually were, but not surprised at all that they were biased.

Andrew McCarthy: Trump's Trainwreck of a Debate

Pretty much agreed, though I still think he's a little more likely to win than Harris is.
As disastrous and unhinged as the Democrats have become, and as much of brainless lefty placeholder as Harris is, the debate made me wonder whether Trump might not have become so bad that I just couldn't vote for him.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

ABC Denies Debate Collusion with Harris Campaign

Two allegations:
  • Someone gave Harris the questions ahead of time.
  • They agreed to "fact-"check Trump and not Harris.
First, that's loser talk.
Second, I don't believe it.
Third, it is not merely possible, but it would actually not be too surprising. Not only were the moderators basically adjuncts to Harris during the debate, but Democrats involved in Presidential debates have given their candidates debate questions in the past. Donna Brazile gave HRC debate questions. (You can look it up, but I'm too lazy.)
Fourth, since Russiagate, I don't put anything past the blue team. This would be small potatoes compared to other things the blues have done.
Fifth, the red team cries conspiracy at the drop of a hat now. Everything is a conspiracy according to them. Everything.
Sixth, this is typical of the red team in another way: the tension between (i) Trump won and (ii) They cheated! Reminds me of their position on the Capitol riot: (i) It was justified!, but (ii) Antifa did it! (It was a set-up, the Feds egged it on, etc.)

Summary view: probably another red-team fantasy...probably... They like to point out that Harris was sorority "sisters" with the female moderator...but apparently it's the biggest sorority in the universe, with like a gazillion members, and they went to completely different schools. Sounds kinda like saying They're both Wisconsin fans. Also, both Trump and Harris got "sample questions" ahead of time. This seems pretty likely to be a mistake based on a misunderstanding of that.
My $0.02, FWIW.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Turley: The Left's Assault on the Constitution

I wholeheartedly agree with this.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Stupidest Thing Trump Said in the Debate

Well, actually, it's hard to pick just one.

But I have to give a special shout-out to [not an exact quote, but close] Crime is going down everywhere else in the world, because they're sending all their criminals here.
   Now, I have no doubt that a lot of criminals are coming in over the Mexican border...
   But there is no way that crime is going down all around the world because so many criminals are coming here.
   Maybe, like, a little bit in Venezuela or something. Who knows?
   But not that other thing.

Harris Did/Does, Indeed, Support "Transgender" Surgery for Inmates

Also, apparently, illegal aliens. But first things first:

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9/11 23 Years On

I have nothing of any value to say, but I thought I should at least acknowledge the day.

Like many people, I remember 9/11 well. I remember, before anything happened, commuting to campus from Charlottesville. I was riding in the back of the car, and marveling at how blue and beautiful the sky was. I remember seeing a hawk hunting in the highway median. It's just odd that I remember something (though just one thing) so vividly from before the attack... 

I also remember my friend Beth (with whom I had also been commuting) stalking down the hallway from the sociology department, very determinedly, jerking her thumb over her shoulder and saying...jeez, I used to remember exactly what she had said...something like Did you hear about this plane that hit the World Trade Center?

There was a guy, Jim, in Soc who had a tv in his office, and a bunch of us went in there and watched it. We were watching as the North Tower Collapsed. Of course we were all horrified. The chair of PHIL/REL was sitting next to me, and I remember her bewildered comment that it fell like it was a controlled demolition. Everybody noticed that. It was just one of many tiny details that added to the surreal nature of the day. 

I Was Right...

...about this much: Harris won basically because she was able to string together ten coherent sentences.
   I mean, jeez, as world-historically awful as the Democrats are, I was basically sitting there last night thinking Ok. Just let them win and destroy the country. I can't vote for this psycho jackass....
   Which, admittedly, I think not infrequently...but I was really, really thinking it last night.
   Of course the moderators were almost entirely one-sided. But Trump deserved it for thundering about the cat- and dog-eating Haitians, and taking the bait about people leaving his rallies.
   No, we checked, they're not.
   Note that this was a trap: they'd checked ahead of time with the mayor...
   I mean, this is just the whole terrible story in microcosm: dumbass, nutty Trump vs. the big, blue, seemingly-normal-but-actually-even-crazier, machine.
   Any normal person could have just said, every single time: Listen: she wants to fund "transgender" surgeries for illegal aliens in prison. This is not something a sane person--or a sane party--would even suggest. This is well into the realm of madness...
   Incidentally, whichever Dem toady thought up that "people leave his rallies" line...his future is made and his fortune secure... Hats off to him. That line may end up winning the election.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Trump Just Lost It--Back to the Stolen Election Lie

What a fucking idiot he is.

But the moderators are so biased it's infuriating.

Trump and Harris are Both Idiots. And Harris is Spewing Lies.

They're both terrible.

They're both idiots.

Harris is a big fat liar.

Notice they only "fact"-check Trump.

The Debate: Trump Shooting Himself In The Ass

Harris is awful.
But Trump is just terrible at this.
He seemed to be winning until he spent five minutes repeating himself about abortion, then failed to skewer her on immigration...because he had to talk about how great his rallies are.

Then, of course, the dogs and cats...he just. could. not. shut his mouth.

Man, he is just killing himself.

She was mugging for the camera, looking bad and sounding bad...then she got under his skin and he's losing his cool.

Debate Prediction: This Will Be The Most Incoherent Debate In American Political History

If one of them can manage to utter ten coherent, non-insane sentences, that candidate will win the debate.

Monday, September 09, 2024

I Wonder Whether the Dems Told Biden They'd 25th-Amendment Him If He Didn't Withdraw From The Race?

This is probably either (a) loony or (b) something everybody else thought of a long time ago. (Inclusive 'or'...) And I don't have any particular reason to believe it. But just struck me today that it's a fairly plausible possibility.

H. R. McMaster: America's Weakness is a Provocation

I have a pretty high opinion of McMaster. I don't actually know that much about him beyond his role in the Battle of 73 Easting. (In fact, I remember early, fretful reports prior to that battle.) Anyway, I should have gotten off my ass before now and read some of his books. (I'm about to remedy that.)
   So...McMaster is similar to Barr in the following respects: I have high opinions of them both (though I have read Barr's memoir), and both left the Trump administration on bad terms. Both were on the receiving end of Trumpian extended tantrums This is evidence of Trump's shittiness. In fact, as I've said, I was basically waiting for Barr to make up his mind about whether he was going to vote for Trump. I figured: if Barr, who knows Trump-as-President from close up...if he decides that the New Woke Dems are a bigger threat than Trump, I'll take that as strong reason to believe that my inclination to vote against the Dems / for Trump is right. I probably would not vote for these Dems--but I'm willing not to vote for Trump. 
   Anyway, you know how the Barr thing came out.
   Also anyway: this McMaster piece is, IMO, very good. Very clear. Very dispassionate.
   Unlike Barr, McMaster doesn't reveal how he's planning to vote. And I do need to read the piece again, more carefully. But it certainly seemed to me, on a first read, that, in his estimation, Trump is the lesser evil.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Conservatives Being Jerks: Kamala's Father Edition

So some conservatives are onto this story about Harris and her dad being estranged, and her dad saying that she was a "travesty."
Not going to link.
First: don't be jerks, you jerks.
Second: her (Marxist) dad said she was a travesty because she made an off-hand joke about Jamaicans and weed. 
Exactly the kind of thing that conservatives normally ridicule: censorious political correctness (though it was really personal pique, not PC, that drove the comment).
This is like the cases of Putin and Cheney endorsing her: a dumb chance to score points in a way that conservatives themselves can't consistently endorse. If this dude had criticized Trump, they'd say "yeah, well, criticism from this dude might as well be praise."

Jamelle Bouie: None of Trump's Economic Solutions Hold Any Water

Bouie is an idiot--but I clicked before I realized who wrote it.
   Accurate title: A Couple of Trump's Economic Plans Probably Won't Work...Also ORANGE MAN BAD.
   This turns into yet another hysterical elite-MSM screed about Trump being literally Hitler. 
   I mean: as I understand it, the consensus among economists who sound reasonable to me is: tariffs bad. They're paid for--so goes the story that I've barely ever thought about--by the importing nation, not, contra Trump, by the exporting nation. Anyway: I tend to think that a fair number of Trump's economic proposals aren't any good. Yes. Agreed. Not that I have any right to speak on econ.
   I didn't realize that Trump thinks that the housing shortage (is there really one?) will be eased by mass deportations of illegals. But it sounds plausible to me. Suppose there were suddenly 11 million fewer people in the country. Hard to believe that it wouldn't have some effect. Though I don't know how many units we're allegedly currently down.
   But it all turns into a screed about how Trump will round up everyone with brownish skin and put them into concentration camps and drop them from helicopters over the Darien Gap. Because, of course, that's how it will work. The only alternative to allowing ourselves to be invaded is to indiscriminately imprison and deport people on the basis of appearance. 
   Dumb argument.
   Even ignoring part of the stupidity here: this is part of a Democrat argument that basically goes like this: We can let in so many illegals that you can't possibly kick them all out. And if you try, we'll cry about how you're imprisoning people and being mean.
   Oh and don't forget: separating families. 
   As I understand it, the main reasons we separate kids and adults under such conditions are (a) there's no way (realistically) to enforce the border without at least some detention, (b) kids can't be locked up with adults (for the safety of the kids), and (c) we often can't even tell whether the kids in question are actually the children of the adults they are with.
   Furthermore, of course, any detention or imprisonment program will involve separating families for at least some time to at least some extent. If Smith is even "taken down to the station" for questioning, he'll be separated from his family. People in prison for murder are separated from their families. That's a very weak reason for not imprisoning murderers.
   Oh and: it's Obama's policy--allegedly. But that was ok...
   This is basically an argument for not enforcing the border--and, basically, for not enforcing most laws.
   And this is what I've been saying for just about decades: the Democrats' position on border enforcement has been getting harder and harder to distinguish from an open borders position.
   And, in general: Trump has all sorts of sketchy-sounding policies, economic and otherwise. But the vast majority of policies look bad if you only articulate their flaws. And, of course: we face a largely comparative choice. And Harris's policies--the ones she's deigned to state, anyway--sound a helluva lot dumber than Trump's policies. IMO, anyway.

Dick Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris

Well, if you've been around these parts since back in the Iraq war days, you may remember what I think about former Vice President Cheney.
   It's easy for people like me--who both detest what the GOP did getting us into Iraq, and detest what has become of the Democrats--to argue (as many do) Har har Darth Cheney supports Kacklin' Kamala...totally fits...even more evidence that she's terrible...
   Cheney's reason is that he thinks Trump tried to steal the election of 2020. So, you could equally well argue: Trump is so bad that even Cheney will go even so far as to endorse a far-left Democrat to oppose him.
   Now, though I think it's only around 10% true that Trump tried to steal the election, that's plenty to disqualify him, IMO. Ditto the true story of what happened.
   Though I think he was a good President, his reaction to the 2020 election basically disqualified him from the office. As I said at the time: it made me regret voting for him. And I thought I'd never do so again.
   But, well, you know the other half of the story: the Democrats have flat-out lost their collective mind. Who thought they could get worse than they were in '20? In my opinion--and I do realize this sounds crazy--they constitute a dire threat to the future of the nation. Greater than Trump, even. Substantially greater than Trump.
   I guess what I'm really saying here is: I don't buy the casual dismissals of Cheney's endorsement. It doesn't really count much in Harris's favor. But it does count against Trump.
   Of course each party is accusing the other of hypocrisy. Pubs: Oh, the Dems hated Cheney before...but now...  Dems: Oh, the Pubs defended Chene before...but now...

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Jose Corpas: The Train From Aragua


Luckily, Miguel and his family survived the journey [from Venezuela, through the Darien Gap], but at great cost. Their oldest daughter, 14, is still angry at her parents and has difficulty sleeping through the night. “She wants to go back home,” Miguel told me. “She says we took her away from her friends, her life.” Though Miguel and his wife still live together, they were divorced along the trek. “Somewhere in Nicaragua,” he said.
When Miguel shared his experiences with me, I couldn’t help but ask: How bad was it back home that you would put yourself and your family in such danger?
“You’ll soon find out,” he told me.

Kimberle Strassel: DoJ Trumps Russian Disinformation

I agree with just about everything in this, FWIW.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Sohrab Ahmari: "Pseudo-Scholars and the Rise of the Barbarian Right"

First, this is a real problem. 
   I think we all knew it was coming--and now it's basically here. The forces of crazy are on the rise on the right. This always seemed to me to be a more-or-less inevitable consequence of the crazification of the left (which, itself, could, for all I know, be, in part (though certainly not entirely) a reaction to some previous crazy on the right).
   Carlson himself is well along a trajectory that now seems pretty familiar: start by opposing the politically correct lunacy on the postpostmodern progressive left...end up mired in the foetid* heart of the wingnut fever swamps.
   Carlson, IMO, did some solid work for awhile there. But then he started asserting that the government had UFOs and the CIA killed JFK--and he said it all with the same air of bemused certainty (or whatever that tone of his is). Making us all feel (or maybe be) stupid for having listened to him at all...
   Well, that's probably not right. He was right about a lot...until he wasn't...
   How much of that is Carlson's fault, and how much of it is the seemingly inevitable corruption an attentive and approving audience brings, I don't know.
   Jeez, I used to listen to Rachel Maddow if you can believe that. Though some say she's at the end of the oppositetrajectory. So maybe she was good at one point. I expect I was just stupid. She's just a loon. And an idiot.
  Anyway: yes, there are dark forces arising on the right. For example, I see some pretty heinous racism and sexism on some of the rightier sites (in the comments--not, so far, in the actual posts). Harris brought that shit out pretty much immediately. It really was like flipping a switch.
  And now antisemitism, of course.
  That's just all over the place now.
   Which, I guess, means it was in there all along, just hidden.
   Everybody's been alarmed about antisemitism on the left. Me too. But that's a lot harder to separate out from antizionism. The stuff on the right is more straightforward (though also, sometimes, hard to distinguish from anti-leftism).
   That's, as we'd say back home, a whole nuther thing that needs people's attention. But not right now. (Some righties like to point out that there are a lot of Jewish lefties. It does seem that way. But I'd guess, there are a lot of Jewish leftists just because there are a lot of Jewish intellectuals, and leftism is the unofficial religion-substitute of the left. There are a lot of Jewish conservative intellectuals, too. Also libertarian ones. But anyway.)

Second though: Ahmari throws out the baby with the bath water, and accuses Steve Sailer of being a racist and--somehow--a eugenicist. Well, the somehow is: by linking to an Atlantic piece. And, you know, The Atlantic...
   Sailer is not a racist. And not a eugenicist. The left likes to make fun of the right's "noticing" and "just asking questions" tropes. But often they are just noticing and asking questions. Noticing and asking questions are good things. Sailer is right about what Ahmari is criticizing him about: there are almost certainly racial IQ differences. This isn't some crackpot "scientific racism" as the left likes to call it. It is a conclusion of cognitive psychology--and a pretty well-established one. You can look it up. I suggest just going right to Charles Murray's Facing Reality. We don't have to like it, but we have to recognize it.** And this is where the leftist crazy comes in: the politically correct denial of scientific conclusions. Almost inevitably followed by the PC insistence that those conclusions be suppressed or even changed to cover up the unpleasant truth. There are also racial differences in violent crime rates. Again, a well-established (social) scientific conclusion. And neither of these differences go away if you control for things like poverty.

   So, yeah. There's cause for concern about what's happening on the right. And this Cooper guy seems like about par for that particular course. Now, we can imagine a sane person arguing that Soviet communism was worse than Nazism, and that it would have been less bad to have allied with the Nazis over the commies. The latter killed even more people than the former did. But that doesn't sound like what he's arguing--and I don't have the heart to listen to read his stuff or listen to the interview. My bad, I guess. If he really does argue that 
...the Nazi takeover of France—which resulted in the deportation of 75,000 Jews to concentration and death camps—“was infinitely preferable in virtually every way” [to] the admittedly offensive drag queen “Last Supper” staged at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics in July.
...well, that's just nuts.

Here's the great Victor Davis Hanson stomping on this BS.

*That British 'o' in there seems it seem a lot more fetid to me.

** I've said this before, but: we were able to avoid this issue for a long time. There was a kind of gentleman's agreement to just not talk about it in anything like public venues. But, for at least a decade, the progressive left has accepted CRT and related crackpottery/pseudoscience--including the view that "systemic" racism is the only possible explanation for the racial differences we observe (e.g. the academic achievement gap, the wealth gap, etc.). Well, that's just utter bullshit. x is the only possible explanation for y is usually bullshit in public policy debates. Not only is racism not the only possible explanation for the relevant gaps, it's not anywhere near the best explanation we have. It's an explanation advanced for political reasons by pseudoscholars in the weaker regions of academia. And by people who just can't face the facts.  And we have an actually scientific explanation available.
   So, anyway: now that the left is using the systemic-racism-is-the-only-possible-explanation line to wreak havoc on the country, the gentleman's agreement aforementioned is null and void. And we are, in fact, obligated to state the unpleasant truths in question.

Bhattacharya on COVID-19 and the Disinformation of the Censors

Make sure to hit 'show more' for the list. 

Putin Endorses Kamala?

Oh c'mon. You can't believe anything that guy says.
Besides, if you do believe him, then he prefers Harris because she's more stable and predictable...and she probably is.
Just running with PUTIN ENDORSES HARRIS is stupid.
You're probably not going to outsmart Putin in this arena, bro.

RIP Paul Harrell

One of my favorite YouTubers. I'm a little surprised at how sad I was upon watching this video. His fans knew it was coming. But still.

Indictment Alleges Russian Funding to Conservative Media Figures

Well...actually, on second thought...the biggest story here might actually be that what we have here is pretty obviously another October Surprise by the increasingly scary Democratic "whole-of-government" approach to...beating Trump...

Don't worry--I'm getting to yelling at these conservative dumbasses.
But come on--this shit by the DoJ is horrifying.
Aren't you tired of being manipulated by your own government?
This is like the counter-Laptopgate hoax all over again.

Which is not to say that Tim Poole et. al. don't deserve to be busted.
For they do, they do.
Much of the right has lost its mind about Ukraine and Russia.
This utter bullshit about reacting to the left's over-the-top swooning over Ukraine by becoming downright pro-Russia...well, I've complained about it before.
You know the adage about the left being crazy and the right being stupid?
Well...there's a lot of truth in it.
A totally unforced error on the part of the righties.
The 51 lying intelligence officials hoax--nothing conservatives could have done to avoid that.
This one, however...they just downright put a sword in the hands of their enemies--both Russia and the American left.

I don't listen to Poole et al. except on very rare occasions when I happen across something that (usually briefly) catches my attention. So I don't know what kinds of things these guys have been saying. But I trust that it was pretty stupid.

Still, I'm less prima facie concerned about an ex-skateboarder podcaster shilling for Russia than I am about the DoJ so blatantly angling to influence the election.
I could easily change my mind.

Election 2024: Pick Your Poison

I've started thinking about it with this specific phrase/metaphor in mind.
The idea here seems to be: if you have to take a poison, and do have the option of choosing one, then (even on the assumption that they're about equally deadly), you get to choose, and that choice is at your discretion. Once things have gotten to that point, it really is just a matter of preference. Maybe you'd just rather go with quick and painful rather than slow and lingering--it's up to you!
   I have friends who want to nitpick at my decision. I'm usually happy to argue about it. But, honestly, this time around, I'm sort of just cranky about the whole thing. In case you can't tell. I've sort of come to think that, given the dismal nature of the choice facing us, I get to, see where I'm going with this.
   I certainly understand someone who says: 
Look, our options are miserable. The Democrats are insane. Trump is Trump. I'm going with the extremely awful Harris instead of the even awfuller Trump.
   We're totally on the same page.
   Well...not totally...
   It's just that my mental not-quite-a-coin-toss comes up heads, while yours comes up tails.
   We agree about all the really important stuff.
   Now, clearly I don't exactly think it's a coin-toss. I do think that the combination of (a) insane, cultish, hard-left political correctness and (b) elite-progressive hegemony is discernibly worse than crackpot, retard Trumpian loose-cannonry.
   But I'm painfully aware that this might be not merely be wrong, but really fucking stupid.
   What I really don't understand are the following types of people:
(i) Those who think that the Dems are good or at least just fine and (ii) those who think that the Dems are terrible, but who are holding their noses and voting for them either because FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, or because the Dems aren't otherwise left enough for them. Both those types seem pretty common in academia.
   Well, at least I understand the Gaza thing a wee bit.
   But not the other one.
   Anyway, the Trumpian poison turns my stomach notably less than the progressive poison.
   And I get to pick.
   So that's what I'm probably going with.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Polymarket: Trump 52%, Harris 47%

Right now, that is.

Not that I'm obsessing or anything.

And, again, why should I? I think both reasonably possible outcomes are bad.

Steven Greenhouse in the Grauniad: Women Are Right to Vote for Harris--She is Pure Good; Men are Wrong to Vote for Trump--He is Pure Bad

All the good, sound reasons are in favor of Harris; men who are voting for Trump are driven by fallacious reasons and base desires--like p***y-grabbing.
   My concern is that people on the left actually do seem to believe stuff like this.
   Of course, it's pretty common for people to think that their side is driven by good reasons, while the opposition is driven only by bad ones. Such arguments show up on both/all sides.
   But, among all the sound and unsound reasons on both sides: men have a lower tolerance for the kind of bullshit the left is peddling--overt lies motivated by (real or bogus) kindness + politically correct peer pressure to pretend those lies are true. Women score much higher on "agreeableness," and are easier to manipulate with such nonsense. But, of course, that's just part of the story. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Gerard Baker: "Democrats' Deception May Win the Presidential Election Again"

More and more I suspect that people just don't have much idea what they're doing when they vote for the newest incarnation of the Dems--and, no, I don't think the situation is symmetrical with respect to Republicans. With some exceptions (e.g. Clinton), the Dems just keep moving leftward. And of course, they've rocketed leftward in the last ten or so years. They keep moving the Overton Window leftward. And said window is really something like: the perception of the majority about what constitutes a reasonable position. Leftists start agitating for Some New Thing, and most people--even ones who aren't for it--probably don't have the intellectual resources required to say, roughly: we're not going to even consider that option. Though, of course, if you have to say something like that, you've already lost that part of the battle...
   Anyway, Baker is right. One of their many tricks is to campaign as centrists and govern as, well, Democrats. Another way of moving things leftward.
   But's progress!!!
   It's like, right in the name...
   LOL "progressive."
   Anyhoo, Baker is right, and others have said it. Even me: Bill Clinton wouldn't be welcome in his own party if anyone there actually cared about him as anything more than a marketing gimmick. He retains some vestige of relevance because he remains quiet--except, of course, when they trot him out at e.g. the convention. Obama, too. Though I began to suspect long ago that Obama may actually agree with The Recent Moonbattery. Some think he did a lot to jumpstart it. Me, I don't know. He did work with Derrick Bell...but I don't know whether he's ever said anything about where he stands on CRT. Anyway. At first I was disappointed that neither Clinton nor Obama--nor, basically, anyone else (other than a few crackpots like James Carville and Roy Teixeira) have seriously criticized the madness that possesses the Democrats.

Well, that's all I got.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Walz "Weapons of War" Lie: Not A Matter of "Bad Grammar"

So, he didn't carry an M4 or other AR-15-type "weapon of war" in, y'know, war. Alright. I dunno. He got all excited and was a mistake. Seems like a fairly big stretch of the truth to me. But it's nowhere near the worst lie I've heard in politics.
But the grammar thing lol...that's irritating.
And calculated.
Aw, shucks, I reckon I don't quite speak the King's English haw haw...I'm just a regular guy...
Bullshit, man.

[Almost forgot: "If it's not this it's an attack on my children for showing love for me, or it's an attack on my dog..."

What a slimy jackass.]

Did "Tampon Tim" Sign a Law Mandating Tampons in Boy's Restrooms?

Well, first of all, I'd have gone with 'Timpon' or 'Timpon Walz' if it were me...
Second, here's Woke Snopes going to his rescue.
Of course all the major "fact" checkers are left-biased. It's what you'd expect from e.g. the WaPo...but it's too bad that Snopes didn't opt for objectivity. They could have, of course. If they had, they'd be spoken of with reverence in the future...
Is the story mostly false
I don't actually think that's an overtly inaccurate rating--though in any equally indeterminate case with turned tables, they'd probably have gone with Mixture.
What he did was sign a bill written in woke Newspeak non-sex-specific language that mandated free menstrual products be available for "menstruating students:"
Tim Walz signed a law in 2023 that required Minnesota schools to stock free menstrual for students in grades four through 12. The language of the statute was gender neutral and therefore compelled schools to make menstrual products available to all "menstruating students," including transmasculine (trans boys and male-presenting) students, although they may be able to obtain them in places other than boys' bathrooms.
Note that Snopes itself now uses woke Newspeak...
They throw in a red herring about how discussions of menstruation were "no longer taboo in 2024" if that had anything at all to do with any of this. But it doesn't. None of it was caused by anyone being hesitant to talk about menstruation.
   At any rate: overall, the claim in question is in the vicinity of the truth--but not, strictly speaking, true.
   It's probably close enough by the standards of American political bullshit, though.
   It's a mixture of truth and falsehood.

"My 15-Year-Old Transgender Son Is Going Through Menopause--And I'm So Proud Of Him"

If you went back in time twenty years and told Democrats that this is where they'd be in 2024, you'd be laughed out of the timeline.

American-Israeli Hostage Found Murdered by Hamas