Thursday, September 05, 2024

Indictment Alleges Russian Funding to Conservative Media Figures

Well...actually, on second thought...the biggest story here might actually be that what we have here is pretty obviously another October Surprise by the increasingly scary Democratic "whole-of-government" approach to...beating Trump...

Don't worry--I'm getting to yelling at these conservative dumbasses.
But come on--this shit by the DoJ is horrifying.
Aren't you tired of being manipulated by your own government?
This is like the counter-Laptopgate hoax all over again.

Which is not to say that Tim Poole et. al. don't deserve to be busted.
For they do, they do.
Much of the right has lost its mind about Ukraine and Russia.
This utter bullshit about reacting to the left's over-the-top swooning over Ukraine by becoming downright pro-Russia...well, I've complained about it before.
You know the adage about the left being crazy and the right being stupid?
Well...there's a lot of truth in it.
A totally unforced error on the part of the righties.
The 51 lying intelligence officials hoax--nothing conservatives could have done to avoid that.
This one, however...they just downright put a sword in the hands of their enemies--both Russia and the American left.

I don't listen to Poole et al. except on very rare occasions when I happen across something that (usually briefly) catches my attention. So I don't know what kinds of things these guys have been saying. But I trust that it was pretty stupid.

Still, I'm less prima facie concerned about an ex-skateboarder podcaster shilling for Russia than I am about the DoJ so blatantly angling to influence the election.
I could easily change my mind.


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