Sunday, September 01, 2024

Walz "Weapons of War" Lie: Not A Matter of "Bad Grammar"

So, he didn't carry an M4 or other AR-15-type "weapon of war" in, y'know, war. Alright. I dunno. He got all excited and was a mistake. Seems like a fairly big stretch of the truth to me. But it's nowhere near the worst lie I've heard in politics.
But the grammar thing lol...that's irritating.
And calculated.
Aw, shucks, I reckon I don't quite speak the King's English haw haw...I'm just a regular guy...
Bullshit, man.

[Almost forgot: "If it's not this it's an attack on my children for showing love for me, or it's an attack on my dog..."

What a slimy jackass.]


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