Sunday, September 01, 2024

Did "Tampon Tim" Sign a Law Mandating Tampons in Boy's Restrooms?

Well, first of all, I'd have gone with 'Timpon' or 'Timpon Walz' if it were me...
Second, here's Woke Snopes going to his rescue.
Of course all the major "fact" checkers are left-biased. It's what you'd expect from e.g. the WaPo...but it's too bad that Snopes didn't opt for objectivity. They could have, of course. If they had, they'd be spoken of with reverence in the future...
Is the story mostly false
I don't actually think that's an overtly inaccurate rating--though in any equally indeterminate case with turned tables, they'd probably have gone with Mixture.
What he did was sign a bill written in woke Newspeak non-sex-specific language that mandated free menstrual products be available for "menstruating students:"
Tim Walz signed a law in 2023 that required Minnesota schools to stock free menstrual for students in grades four through 12. The language of the statute was gender neutral and therefore compelled schools to make menstrual products available to all "menstruating students," including transmasculine (trans boys and male-presenting) students, although they may be able to obtain them in places other than boys' bathrooms.
Note that Snopes itself now uses woke Newspeak...
They throw in a red herring about how discussions of menstruation were "no longer taboo in 2024" if that had anything at all to do with any of this. But it doesn't. None of it was caused by anyone being hesitant to talk about menstruation.
   At any rate: overall, the claim in question is in the vicinity of the truth--but not, strictly speaking, true.
   It's probably close enough by the standards of American political bullshit, though.
   It's a mixture of truth and falsehood.


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