Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Averting My Ears From Trump

I think it's very important to beat the Dems--my old party, as you may recall...
Sometimes--though not always--I think it's important enough to vote for Trump (again...)...
But sometimes, I hate to admit...I have to avert my ears from him in order to maintain my support. Or quasi-support. Or whatever it is for the guy.
Which is probably wrong.
I ought to face the fact that I maybe shouldn't support either of these moronic shitshows.

Then I remember how abjectly insane the Democrats have become, and I'm back where I started.

Trump is right about a lot. It's absurd to think he's Hitler, or evil, or doesn't care about America. Policy-wise, he's immensely better than the barking moonbats that have taken over the blue team. 
But he's just so goddamned Trumpy...

And what's up with this flag-burning shit?

That's protected expression, dude.

Not the most obvious case, certainly.

But that's the way it is.

So shut up about it.


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