Thursday, August 22, 2024

Queer Nukes for Peace

Two major problems of the left are:
[1] An obsession with stupid ideas about race, sex (now: "gender"), sexual preference and related categories of "identity" (note: a stupid and inaccurate term).
[2] An obsession with extending the stupid ideas in [1] to all other areas of human life (and even beyond).
These twin stupidities have infected the humanities and soft social sciences since at least the '80s--and probably earlier. Now the twin stupidities have infected the rest of culture, too.
   [2] depends on or is at least bound up with:
[3] A literary style of reasoning that eschews actual analytical thought in favor of a kind of free-form, poetic reinterpretation of everything to bring it all under the umbrella of [1]
[1]-[3] are basically why college is now prone to making you stupider rather than smarter. The relatively more center left does not criticize its left wing, so such folk were led to argue, for years, that...somehow...miraculously...what people learn in college has no effect on their thinking. Colleges have no effect on "the real world." The bottleneck through which all of our "elites" pass leaves no imprint on them. Don't worry about the Orwellian madness on campus! It can't get out...
   So now government reports on nuclear weapons are as absurd as academic papers published in gender studies, lit-crit, and communications journals. The template is: find some topic and then make up some shit showing how it's all about race or "gender" or being gay. Or else, as in this case, how being gay (etc.) is better.
   Thing is about these idiots: you never know what they're going to say, and you always know what they're going to say. Their arguments are the utterest horseshit. It's the prose equivalent of free jazz so free that it's lost any claim to being musical. But you always know it'll be about everything being gay, or whites being bad, or some such thing. The endpoints are fixed by leftist politics. And they'll say absolutely anything to get to one of those endpoints. Or, rather, to give the thin, wispy appearance of having gotten there in some sense other than mere assumption.


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