Saturday, August 10, 2024

PC Watch: "Mpox"

Right, so the shift from "Monkey pox" to "Mpox" is at the very least PC-"adjacent" as our PC friends might say...
But isn't it really the 'pox' part that's bad? I mean...monkeys are cute little cousins...
It's pox that's gross.
Why not get rid of it?
Why not "Monkey spots"?
or "Monkey freckles"?
Something like that?
You might reply that they really are pox and there's no getting around that fact.
But may I remind you that "trans women are women"?
If you can get around the penis and the Y chromosome, you can get around the pox part...
We just basically get to call things whatever we want now--so why not take advantage of it?


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