Friday, August 09, 2024

The GOP is Still the Stupid Party: Tim Walz / Military Service Edition

Among the many ways in which the Republicans are stupid and crazy:
At the first hint of scandal around one of their opponents, they completely lose their shit and start flinging wild accusations...
...making themselves look stupid and crazy... being stupid and crazy...
   Look, I don't believe that Walz just somehow up and quit the National Guard on the spur of the moment because he didn't want to go to Iraq. This is called "going AWOL," and we have a whole prison set aside for that sort of thing in Kansas...
   The situation is complicated, and there are plausible arguments that what he did was in some way not kosher. But you jackasses can't wait two days to figure out the details? You have to immediately lose it and turn what seem like legitimate concerns into utterly implausible accusations? Seriously, this is a question that can be clarified and figured out. Flinging nutty accusations then just works against you when they are debunked. 
   Why not just--temporarily at least--stick with legitimate, provable criticisms like He let Minneapolis burn and He put tampons in boys' restrooms


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