Saturday, August 03, 2024

Turley: "Leave Neutrality Behind: UT-Austin Embraces Advocacy Journalism"

The arguments these people use are idiotic.
They basically come down to:

Perfect objectivity is impossible
It's permissible for us to be as biased as we like.

This is a consequence of the totalitarian tendencies of the left. Forget about the facts: our ultimate aim is to push our politics--aka "social justice"... All other human aims must be subordinated to that goal. The aim of journalism isn't truth, it's advancing leftist politics. Ditto teaching.The aim of medicine is not promoting the health of the patient, but advancing leftist politics. The aim of science and scholarship isn't understanding the world, but advancing leftist politics. And that means: the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. Does advancing leftist politics require lying? Of course it does--leftist political commitments are mostly at odds with reality. When reality and leftist political commitments conflict, as they usually do, it is reality that must yield. That's political correctness...

Most of us recognize truth and objectivity as goals/values, and, at least in a cool hour, we recognize that we err when we violate these commitments. Only the radical left is unconstrained by these goals--they don't (officially, anyway) recognize deviation from them as error. 

This is a kind of madness.


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