Wednesday, July 31, 2024

New Blue Team Talking Point Dropped: Republicans are "Weird"

You know the pattern. Suddenly the whole blue team is on-message, repeating the officially-designated talking-point ('convicted felon,' 'sharp as a tack,' etc.) And that means: all the Democrats and the media, their PR/propaganda arm.
   Then wave two will include the media declaring that the talking-point is devastating! Republicans can't answer it! They are beside themselves! Victory for the blue forces is all but guaranteed!
   Here's that kind of thing from the loathsome L.A. Times.
   Twitter seems to be about 5% Republicans being annoyed by this and 95% Democrats crowing about how annoyed and TOTALLY PW0NZ0RED Republicans are.
   Of course, this is all juvenile and no way for the world's greatest nation to conduct its elections. 
   But it's also par for the course for the Dems. And hey, it beats their go-to unjustified accusation of the last ten years: YOU'RE A RACIST, RACIST
   Occasionally adding or substituting one or more from their Standard Litany of Hysterical Accusations: 'white supremacist,' 'sexist'* misogynist, x-phobe for just about any value of 'x', 'settler colonialist'....blah, blah, blah...
   And, unsurprisingly, Republicans are bit baffled at this particular taunt given that the response should be obvious to anyone:
Of the two parties, there is basically nothing more obvious than that it's the Democrats who are the weird party... The really, really, really weird party...
   The Dems are the party of transanity and gender woo, the indoctrination of children in public schools, sexual mutilation, the racialization of everything, Orwellian neologisms and redefinition of words, and the general rejection of reality. Lysenkoism. Hysterical climate apocalypticism. Russiagate. DEI. CRT. Cancel Culture. "Disinformation" and a general hostility to free speech, free thought, and free inquiry... And, of course, the totalitarian effort to push all of these lunatic ideas into every corner of education, government, business and private life. This is the party whose supporters suddenly "forgot," en masse, what the word 'woman' means...gosh, it's so complicated! I mean, I'm not a biologist... And, of course, the party of political correctness...which means, among other things, there may be no fact of the matter to what extent they have actually come to believe these insane things and to what extent they simply are not allowed to speak the truth...
   But, since they control the media, they get to not only disseminate their new insults/accusations/talking-points, they get to decree them to be real zingers...and also to decree that they're really hitting home! And that The bad guys have no response...
   I mean, J. D. Vance does seem to be kind of weird. He was, I still think, a bad choice. Trump is really weird. It's just that there's really no contest, weirdness-wise, between the parties. 
   Maybe this is some complicated, 4-D chess strategy to try to distract people from the weirdness...actually: the insanity...of the left. I dunno.
   Thing is, the Dems can basically say whatever they want. Via the media they exert almost complete control of "the narrative" (still a stupid term--and a PC term. The fact that we've all adopted it is just more evidence of the control they exert.) They can basically launch a torrent of accusations and insults from now until November. None of them have to be true. None of them have to be smart. The sheer weight of volume will work in their favor.
   It's all so nauseating and stupid.



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