Sunday, July 28, 2024

Progressive Twitter is Insane

There's a lot of crazy righty, fringe, and even centrist stuff on there, too, of course, The righties do maybe seem a bit worse about spewing out conspiracy theories about everything that happens--e.g. after the attempted Trump assassination. Maybe I'm not seeing a representative sample, of maybe my current greater disgust with the left is skewing my evaluations. Dunno.
   But damn...
   Progressive TwiXXer is mostly a firehose of lies about Trump (and, now, Vance). Trump wasn't hit by a bullet...the shooter was in on it/a Trump plant, Trump cut his own ear on the podium, Trump cut is own ear with a hidden blade as part of the plan, PROJECT 2025 PROJECT 2025 PROJECT 2025, Trump said if he's elected it'll be America's last election!!!!, Trump and Epstein, Trump and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA...and many more.
   Here's their current favorite:

  This one is everywhere, retweeted thousands of times, generally with some variation of: 

Trump is saying quite clearly, in unequivocal terms, that he plans to be a dictator and stop all future American elections. This is our last chance to vote...etc. etc. 

This fits their pattern. Trump--or anyone they disagree with--says something a bit unclear--or, for that matter, perfectly clear, their interpretation drives spin up to overdrive and they spit out some contrived, preposterous quasi-interpretation, and they insist that IT'S PERFECTLY CLEAR THAT THIS IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE THING HE COULD HAVE MEANT!!!!!!!
   Of course it IS perfectly clear what he means in the clip--that this election is important, that conservatives (and, in particular, Christians) need to vote in it, and that, given four more years, he'll improve things so much that voting won't be so crucial anymore.
   Again: progressive twitter is a deluge of this kind of nonsense--basically of them making up crackpot shit about Trump and scaring themselves with it. Reddit is starting to get posts from hyseriac, unstable alphabet youth saying that they plan to kill themselves if Trump wins. Y' they don't get thrown into the Gay Concentration Camps...
   They really have lost their collective mind. The public mind of progressivism is now disordered to the point of insanity.

[Oh and: as I'm sure you know, Snyder is kind of a big deal. History professor at Yale, author of Bloodlands...which nobody I know has quite finished because the brutality is just too relentless...and the book is too long... But it's an impressive achievement. Unfortunately, he's also the author of a pamphlet, On Tyranny... It starts out pretty good, but just becomes a thinly-concealed anti-Trump screed. I remember thinking that there was maybe some good stuff early on, but I can't now remember what...]


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