Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biden, Harris, etc.

I was inclined to think that Biden would be replaced, though I'm not sure I said it here--so doesn't really count. For a couple of days, I leaned the other direction when it sounded like he was prepared to go to the mat. But I thought the decisive factor was: he was losing. Bigly. Dems were whistling past the graveyard, proclaiming their undying allegiance to him, and insisting that he was going to win... But he wasn't. He was losing in every swing state other than MN, and losing by a lot in PA and some others. VA now seems back in play. If he had been winning, he'd still be the candidate. Now they are all proclaiming their undying love for Kamala, greatest and most perfect and beautiful and perfect candidate of all teh timez...
   Harris doesn't seem like a great candidate to me, but she doesn't have to be. The media covered up Biden's decline until it couldn't be covered up anymore--or perhaps until it wasn't worth the risk. The early debates were, IMO, a way to get rid of him, the Pubs fell for it, and it worked. I suppose that's a bit conspiratorial-sounding--so maybe take it with more grains of salt than normal... Then media turned on him and did the Dems' work by getting rid of him. I think it was basically clear that was what was going on in the Stephanopoulos interview. Just about all GS did was grind away on the age/health stuff.
   Now Kamala is a younger, hipper, DEIer, female, blackish leftist--the perfect canvas onto which the media and the left (but I repeat myself) can paint the picture they want. The Dems have turned on a dime re: the age issue, and now they proclaim Trump too old. And, of course, an old rich white guy is the worst thing you can be, demographically, in the eyes of contemporary Dems and the kiddies (but, again, I basically repeat myself.) And, of course, he is Trump... That whole thing. In addition to unhipness, he's a genuinely terrible candidate in all the ways we already know about. He shouldn't even be in the conversation. (Which isn't to say that he isn't right about a lot of things...for he is, he is...)
   Though the blue team is in a spot of trouble they are very, very good at these kinds of political tactics, and they've managed to snatch uncertainty from the jaws of near-certain defeat. With the help of their media propaganda wing...well, I'm very concerned is the thing. Pop culture is already on the job. Beyonce has apparently given the Harris campaign permission to use some song or other. I'll bet anyone $100 bucks that at least one pop song will be written (or modified) for her. She'll probably show up at Taylor Swift concert. 
   Oh and: there's speculation that she could pick the PA governor as her running mate... Which would be a disaster, especially after Trump chose a veep who doesn't help him at all.
   Basically the Dems lost the election and now get an anticipatory do-over. It's rather like the Pubs have to win two elections to win. Well, at least two. If Kamala polls bad, they can have a third go at it at their convention. Maybe this is a glimmer of hope: they've basically gone all-in on Harris, probably because they know they'd incur the wrath of their racialist, identity politics base by going around a black woman. But...if she's losing convincingly by the convention, the Democrat elites might, as I suggested, take a third shot at it...angering young, female progressives they stirred up for her...
   But that's a stretch.
   Also: speculative.
   And, as should go without saying, they've already started with the inevitable All opposition to Kamala is racism.
   I'm thinking of giving up on politics, actually. This shit is all stupid. And a waste of time. We used to have Presidents like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln... Now we've got a reality show con man vs. a far-left DEI hire.*
   I tremble for my country when I consider that God (metaphorically speaking) does not like dumbassery, and that his righteous disgust cannot sleep forever.

* Of course it has been decreed: admitting that Harris was a DEI hire I have to say it? No, I don't...


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