Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WashEx: Kamala the Extremist

I really don't know much about Harris, TBH. She was supposed to be Border Czar, but didn't seem to do anything. Unless you count deploying to the border one of the left's favorite bits of BS, the "root causes" fallacy: when there's a problem that the left doesn't consider a problem, or doesn't want to solve, or especially when it doesn't want to do what's necessary to solve it, they tend to argue that we shouldn't work toward the obvious solution "because that won't address the root causes." Then they pick a "root cause" that they already want to do something about, and that will allow them to advance their agenda and work toward a solution they do like. Their favorite "root cause" of the flood of illegals across the Mexican border can guess it... Climate change! Yes, see, these are climate migrants! We mean refugees! Chased out of their homes by the searing heat waves producing instant desertification, the frigid cold waves freezing whole cities and regions under miles-thick glaciers, the 1,000 mph hurricanes, and the rampaging giant monsters awakened from their millennia of slumber beneath the melting Arctic ice.
   Of course this fallacy is, well, stupid.
   First, and re: this case in particular: no. There are basically no "climate refugees." Climate change isn't effecting that kind of change. This is part of the left's general strategy of attributing all extreme weather to anthropogenic global warming. This strategy is of course applied selectively. Is it cold? Just weather, bigot! Don't confuse climate and weather! Is it hot? EVIDENCE OF GLOBAL WARMING WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIIIIIIEEEE..... Though also: is it cold? ALSO GLOBAL WARMING BIGOT!!1 WAIT, WE MEAN CLIMATE CHANGE...
   Even the IPCC says that there's no known link between CC/AGW and observed extreme weather (with the exception of heat waves, which they say we might be able to link to it.)
   Not to put too fine a point on it: we don't tend to solve immediate practical problems by shunning immediate, effective practical solutions in favor of addressing "root causes"--even the real ones rather than the politically correct ones. Trump mitigated the illegal alien problem by beefing up border security, getting to work on a bigger and better wall, and, basically, making potential border-jumpers understand that they weren't going to be welcome here. Biden undid all that by inviting illegals to "surge to the border." (Technically, he only urged asylum-seekers to do so...but they basically all say they're asylum-seekers...) And catch and release. And...and...and...
   News flash: people react to incentives.
   Which brings us to the other, realer alleged root causes: violence and shitty economies. Now, these are real and, if we can afford it, I'd like to see us help nations south of the border address them. But it is idiotic to pretend that this is our only option for stopping the deluge. To stop the deluge, we need more enforcement--including more fencing. Lots more fencing. Basically, to stop the flood we need to close the flood gates rather than learning to control the rain. Once we've done everything immediate that's cost-effective, then we can consider addressing putative "root causes." The real ones, anyway. I recommend not addressing the imaginary ones...
   If you fall off a ledge and break your leg, the solution is to have a doctor set the bone--not to build a guard rail. If a cop stops a drunk driver, the important course of action is to get him off the road, not to start lobbying for prohibition. Got a test tomorrow? Study! Don't start reading a book on your procrastination problem... 
   Well, you get it.
   Basically, the Dems want us to spend money and resources on climate change, and give aid to countries south of the border...but they don't particularly care about stopping the migrant invasion. It's not a problem to them--or wasn't until it got so bad it harmed their electoral standing. So their policy was: hey, we don't wanna spend money on that! We'd rather spend money on things we care about and say it was to address that problem that we don't consider to be a  
   She'd be worse than Biden.
   No sale.


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