Saturday, July 13, 2024

Youngkin Back in VP Contention?

An exciting possibility, IMO. Youngkin is a good candidate with exactly the kind of reasonable, civil, centrist approach and demeanor that could help offset Trump's intemperate nuttiness. VA is currently considered back in play, with Biden +2.2, but with no recent polling. And importantly: Winsome Sears, VA Lt. Governor, would become governor and be eligible to run in the next gubernatorial election. (Governors in the OD are normally prohibited from serving two consecutive terms.) Sears is, herself, a strong, compelling candidate.
   And a Sears governorship would have very important effects on SCHEV (the State Council for Higher Education of Virginia), and on the Boards of Visitors of VA public universities. Youngkin has moved them in the right direction, but, of course, a Democratic governor would just move them right back again.
   I don't know much about J. D. Vance or Bergum. They may be great, but neither seems likely to move the Electoral College count. Rubio could help with Hispanics--and that could be big. He's from FL, but there are ways to get around the prohibition against POTUS and VPOTUS being from the same state. Cheney, recall, was actually from TX. I dislike that sort of thing, but whatever.
   So Youngkin could, plausibly, bring in more centrist votes and bring Virginia.


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