Tuesday, July 09, 2024

MSNPC Freaks Out Over "Project 2025"

The stench of desperation is thick in the air.
   They're crazy...but so is a lot of the Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025"--which Trump has repudiated, though, to be clear. His platform is called Agenda 47, actually. 
   Of course neither team much cares what is true and false about the other team--at this point it's a rhetorical battle. Trump's made it clear that Project 2025 isn't his platform. He clearly doesn't accept a lot of it, and has been on record rejecting such policies for years--e.g. a nationwide abortion ban. And no one in his right mind could think that Trump wants to ban birth control or put people in jail for looking at pr0n LOL.
   Trump's plan does overlap with Project 2025 in certain important respects--e.g. firing a lot of left-leaning bureaucrats and restaffing with conservatives. (That concerns me--but it's not a crazy idea.) Also re: some pretty standard conservative stuff: Securing the border. Deporting illegals. Cutting taxes. The first thing is significant. The boilerplate agreements aren't.
   Substantively, Trump's been clear that he doesn't accept Project 2025, and his own platform is a matter of record, easily available. The left believes about half its own bullshit, so to some extent their failure to believe this is delusion. It's their TDS talking. But lots of it is just politics--they don't care whether he accepts it or not. They're losing big, and this is an opportunity to claw back some voters. I detest this shit about politics...but I also recognize that this is the way the game is played, and part of me has come to accept it. At least to some extent. The Pubs do the same when they can.
   In general, though, I do think it's important that the red team is largely making its case on the basis of the disastrous things Biden and the blues have done over the last 3.5 years, whereas the blues are largely making their case on the basis of TDS-addled hyperbole about imaginary concentration camps, Orange Man = Hitler, and now a platform Trump has never accepted but has explicitly rejected. Trump has been President, of course, and none of the hysterical predictions came true--no prosecutions of left-wing journalists, no rounding up of non-heterosexuals, no dictatorship, no none of it. He couldn't even get "the wall" built.
   Which isn't of course to say that Trump doesn't make me nervous... Yet again: Trump concerns me because I don't know (exactly) what he'll do; the Dems concern me because I do know what they'll do... 


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