Friday, July 05, 2024

DCX: Biden Lies, Too

Merely a partial list.

Very Fine People

I'd have at least added the "very fine people" lie.
Anybody who's still repeating that one is, as we'd say back home, a lyin' sack a' shit.

Suckers and Losers

   I'm tempted to add the "suckers and losers" business as a lie--it's certainly unproven and there's plenty of evidence against it. Even Snopes can't pin it on him--though of course they don't label it unproven nor, heaven forbid, false... The WaPo strangely reverts to doing a bit of investigation and analysis here. Unfortunately, it's all in the service of basically concluding that, despite denials from several people who were with Trump on the trip, it's a conceptual possibility that Trump said it. I mean, we could all be in the Matrix, right? And then he could have said it, but the Matrix masters could have prevented anyone from hearing it. Or made it sound like he said "Please pass the poi." So, really, we can never prove that anyone said--or didn't say--anything, right? 

Too bad Biden's patently false denial that he had anything to do with Hunter's business dealings didn't get half this much scrutiny.

To repeat myself repeating myself: 
They lie about things Trump says when what he actually said was said in front of the entire nation and is on video. As with the "very fine people" lie. It took Snopes seven years to admit that was a lie. TNR is still trying to claim it's true, as are innumerable Democrats across social media. Despite Trump specifically saying that he was not saying the thing they are accusing him of saying...
You've got to be nuts to believe some third-hand BS attributed to him--by someone he fired, no less.
   Anyhoo: Even Kelly doesn't claim to have heard the assertion in question first-hand. This is a guy Trump fired alleging to have heard someone else say that Trump said something that Trump would have to be an idiot to say.
   Now, Trump is an idiot...
   And he often seems capable of saying almost anything.
   But he almost certainly didn't say this.
   For one thing, he was surrounded by high-ranking military men who would never have let him get away with it. It would be reported to the media instantaneously--at the very least. One source points out that Kelly would never have stood for it. Only then does the WaPo suddenly see fit to note that, hey, Kelly doesn't say he was there! Now, see, your man in the street might have thought that'd have been worth noticing and emphasizing right off the bat...but your professional journalists, see, they know better...
   Anyway. Trump has said something similar and similarly stupid about John McCain... Though Trump will say just about anything about powerful people who oppose him. He usually doesn't say such things about ordinary people. Though there was the weird incident of the Gold Star family...which I'd have to look up...
   Unproven and probably false.
   But who knows with that guy, really?


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