Wednesday, July 03, 2024

TNR: Ignore the Video and the Evidence of Your Senses, Comrades! Trump DID Call Nazis "Very Fine People!"

Hey, remember when The New Republic used to not suck?

   When my copy used to come I'd basically drop everything and dig in, often reading it from cover to cover. This was back in the Andrew Sullivan days. Tom Toles was a real treat (though he kind of (understandably) petered out when he went to the Post and a cartoon every day.)
  Anyway, TNR went to hell years ago. Now it's just another lefty rag in basically the Mother Jones/Vox mold. Apparently they tried to keep the old idea going but there was just no market for it anymore in the age of the Woketarian reign of terror.
   Anyway, the left just will not give up on their articles of TDS faith. TNR spends a whole lot of electrons arguing that what Trump said was not now what he meant, and that, if you carefully (but not too carefully...) assemble a lot of pieces, really devout leftists can produce a picture that allows them to continue believing that Trump said what they so passionately want him to have said...
   I've said for a long time that a political catastrophe is, perhaps, the only thing that can slap some sense back into the Democrats. Perhaps this Biden thing is exactly what the doctor ordered: a political disaster directly caused (in part) by political correctness--their unwillingness/inability to face facts...their substitution of political orthodoxy, echo-chamber groupthink, and suppression of dissent for facts and evidence. 


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