Monday, July 01, 2024

Read it!: Martin Gurri: "Dear Elite Apocalyptic Teeth-Gnashers: The End of the World is Just a Matter of Where You Stand"

Trump is a dictator who aims to smash the constitutional government of the United States. Immediately after, he’ll move the White House to the Mar-a-Lago golf course and appoint bearded reality TV characters to the cabinet.
But what, one may ask, is his subversive plan? We are told that he will fire 25,000 federal bureaucrats and bend the rest to his presidential will. And that would be completely unheard of.
It might occur to some that the man was president for four years and none of these horrors happened. In fact, except for the shouting and gnashing of teeth, the impeachments and the pandemic, it was a fairly peaceful time.


Given the hysteria surrounding the subject, it’s probably a good idea to take a deep breath and count to ten. Is the US in the grip of a psychotic episode? No question. The output of our finest minds adds up to an incomprehensible babbling. Is the human race, at the moment, stuck in multiple simultaneous messes? It sure feels that way.
But before we ratchet things up to a Doomsday scenario, let’s ask: Whose world is it, exactly, that’s about to be demolished?
It certainly isn’t the one I grew up in. In the last few years, a sect of political mystics, with dotty Joe Biden as their nominal head, have tried to erect a New Jerusalem out of climate fundamentalism, racial stereotypes, sexual weirdness, monkish poverty (“degrowth”), censorship of the truth (“malinformation”), wooing fentanyl start-ups from Honduras, feeding children to butchers, and making it a capital crime to be Trump.
To succeed, they had to try to abolish society as it actually exists. Hence the recurrent pain normal people today feel in their hind parts.

But behold: the normies are making trouble. The New Jerusalem, it turns out, resembles a Hollywood set: all front and no depth. And piece by piece, it’s being torn down. [my emphasis]


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