Sunday, June 30, 2024

Oklahoma: All Schools Must Incorporate the Bible and Ten Commandments into Curricula

The right-wing backlash has always been inevitable.
I avoid that argument because it is basically the only argument center-leftists will use against the extremist left. I think the left has to learn how to criticize its leftmost wing. They've got to learn that the radical left is crazy and wrong. They've got to learn to say that, and not dodge it, pretending that the left can only go wrong by helping the right.
   No enemies to the left is an absurd principle, and it's part of a web of crazy that help drive the left always leftward.
   So, though I've always realized that there'd be a backlash, I've got big-picture reasons for not emphasizing it.
   But, anyway: here it comes, as we always knew it would.
   Also, however: I think this will be slapped down pretty fast. The First Amendment provides extra protection against right-wing religious lunacy. The let's cultish quasi-religion isn't officially a religion, however, so we have less protection. 
   And: this one move in OK schools (and a few other states will follow along) hardly stacks up against pervasive, powerful progressive influence on all our institutions.
   Furthermore, the Deep Academy (and its K-12 analog) will radically blunt the edge of this crackpottery.
   Also, I wonder whether this is just a kind of strategic move by OK to force acceptance of religious charter schools? Just a hunch.
   Nevertheless: very bad news.


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