Thursday, June 27, 2024

Presidential Debate 6/27/24

Holy crap.
Trump was in fine, Trumpy form--semi-coherent, hyperbolically hyperbolic, largely interested in Trump.
Biden was a disaster.
I've pooh-poohed the age more.
I was absolutely shocked by that early non-answer in which he babbled briefly and then just locked up.
He improved greatly from there--but, then, he really couldn't have gotten any worse.

Biden's a liar.

Trump's so incoherent and such an inveterate bullshitter that most of what he says barely even has a truth-value. But if you take all his little hyperbolic quasi-claims seriously, he really did spew dozens of lies...but half the time I can't actually tell what the hell he's trying to say.

Biden outright lied yet again about the "very fine people" claim. Then he repeated the "suckers and losers" lie from Kelly.
Let me say it again:
They lie about what Trump says even when what he says in on video.
You've got to be nuts to believe any such claim about something he allegedly said in private.

Trump mainly just babbled. He did make some solid points. His incoherent babbling is mostly in the vicinity of a pretty good set of ideas. But his performance wasn't really good enough to win a Presidential debate...

...against any candidate other than octogenarian Joe Biden...
He pretty much wiped the floor with Biden just by seeming fully alive.

Pretty much all you need to know is: 
Democrats are panicking.
Donna Brazille basically spent her whole time trying to deflect questions about replacing him.

Trump won bigly.

...for better or worse...


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