Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Debate Prediction

 Ha ha ha don't be ridiculous.

Who can predict what'll happen with Trump on the stage? 

I'm sure you'll see a lot of predictions, given that talk is cheap. Would anybody make a fairly detailed prediction and put significant money on it? 

I sure wouldn't.

I won't be surprised if Trump blows it. This just isn't the kind of thing he's very good at IMO...though some people look for rhetorical wins, and he's capable of skewering people in certain bone-headed ways. Any decent candidate could absolutely shred Biden. And imagine what somebody like Vivek could do... 

If Biden has a good night, and Trump is too assholish, of course, it'll be a win for Biden. 
And expectations for him are so low that I'd think he wouldn't have to do much to win.

OTOH, the polls are looking pretty grim for him--maybe he sort of does have to hit a home run to win...


I'm not sure I'll even be able to make myself watch it.

Well, I guess I do have sort of a prediction...

I predict a shitshow.


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