Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Snopes Admits That Trump Didn't Call Charlottesville White Supremacists "Very Fine People"

The left has repeated the "very fine people" hoax at every opportunity for seven years.
They're repeating it over and over to this day.
Biden leaned heavily on it in the 2020 debates.
It's taken seven years for Snopes--the formerly-great fact-checking site--to finally admit it was a lie.
Of course this is barely noteworthy, as it's just one example of the outright lies propagated by the left about things Trump has (allegedly, but not actually) said and done.

The Twixxer left is already pushing back, fabricating elaborate sophistries about how Trump did too actually say it!!!111...

But, of course, he didn't. In fact, he explicitly said that he was not saying it (and did not believe it)
In this respect, it's a lot like Russiagate / the Russian collusion hoax--leftists were falling all over themselves about how awesome and definitive the Mueller report was going to be...until Mueller came back with a conclusion unfriendly to their TDS-addled preconceptions. Now Reddit, Twixxer, etc. are filled with lefties still insisting that what they wanted to be true is true--sometimes with no explanation, sometimes with elaborate nonsense trying to justify their antecedent doxastic preference. 
My favorite reaction on the left to the Mueller report was: The Russians got to Mueller!
Now I'm waiting for: The white supremacists got to Snopes!

I've argued before (you can look it up; I'm too lazy) that Trump was probably wrong about there being "very fine people" / non-racists at the Unite the Right rally. But also that that doesn't matter. Trump recognized that a lot of ordinary people opposed the renaming of the parks and elimination of the statues, and he was talking about them. Some may have been there after all...but by the day of the rally, it had become clear that UtR had become a far-right crapfest--and that Antifa, Antifa-lite, and other lefties were going to be there to attack the UtR demonstrators. Most--and perhaps all--normal people were driven away. 

But Trump didn't know that.

And, as others have pointed out: the dispute is about what he was saying, not what was true. 

He was saying that there were normal people there protesting the taking down of the statues.
Though that was a reasonable belief, it probably turned out to be false.

Actually, that's not even clear--he may not have meant to speak of UtR in particular; he may just have been speaking of the two sides of the issue...

Finally: this is how our elite-left overlords operate. People right of the far left can say reasonable things, but they'll be spun as crazy. IF the evidence is so overwhelming that the lie can't be maintained forever, they'll drag their feet as long as possible and admit error--if at all--only well after it could make any practical difference. The left can say utterly insane things, and they'll let them pass. They can say, to take the most prominent example, Women have penises and--apparently--get away with it for a decade at least. Imagine if the right had said something that crazy! Every blue-team source would pounce on it immediately and pummel it into the ground...as well they should... But there is exactly no chance whatsoever that it would take the MSM and its adjuncts seven years to shoot down some blatant and damaging misinterpretation of Obama or Biden.


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