Monday, June 24, 2024

*Nature* Takes On 'Climate of Fear' Permeating Sex and Gender Research

When operatives of the religious right tried to get "intelligent design" even mentioned in low-level high school and university biology courses, they were ridiculed mercilessly--laughed off campus. The blowback was hurricane-force. And rightly so. (Even though I, myself, have some views that could be described as distant cousins of ID...)
The left has propagated dozens of crazy ideas, including the much more radical and insane idea* that sexes are not natural kinds...and they've succeeded in getting these ideas into the minds of millions of little children, high school students, and undergraduates. They've transformed research by not only getting these laughable ideas taken seriously, but suppressing efforts to refute them.
This is one reason the left is currently so much more dangerous than the right.

*More radical than ID, that is.


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