Saturday, June 22, 2024

Colin Wright: SJWs Just Make Up Sophisticated Sounding Terms for Bullshit

This is one of the main pillars of the left. It basically comes out of recent Continental philosophy and literary theory. These are very linguistic/languagey movements. They love neologisms and are envious of the epistemic authority of science. They can't really replicate it, but they are good at replicating the linguistic trappings of expertise. So they basically created a network of neologisms that, to the casual observer, looks a lot like the technical vocabulary of, say, high-energy physics. Then they just bull their way forward and rely on dogmatism and shrieking to overrun any remaining opposition.
   Even more important, I'd say, is the free-associative method of "reasoning" that basically allows them, via verbal legerdemain, to "justify" any conclusion they want. If your method is loosey-goosey enough, you can get (in some sense of 'get') any conclusion you like. It's a long-standing joke that a sufficiently clever Freudian can find penises and perversion in anything anyone says. And literary theory is notorious for this sort of thing. This is the free-associative method that let's progressive leftists "find" racism in literally everything. This is the irrationalism at the core of the whole thing.
   Recent Continental philosophy and radical leftist politics are, in effect, inseparable.


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