Friday, June 21, 2024

Aris Roussinos: How Will The Ukraine War End?

This seems very reasonable to me...though I understand basically nothing about the situation, to be clear.
   One of my many concerns about the contemporary right is that (seems to me, at least) it has responded to the radicalization of the left basically by emulating its structure: it now seems to be tugged around by its own brainless radical minority*--not as radical, not as crazy, and not as powerful as the vanguard of the progressive left...yet, anyway. That radical minority seems to have mindlessly taken up the opposite of whatever position the progressive left takes up--at least with regard to e.g. Ukraine, COVID, and the vax. The left rightly took up the cause of Ukraine. The vocal minority I'm talking about on the right then became outright anti-Ukraine and, in fact, pro-Russia. They've even come to heroify Putin, spinning him into some kind of defender of Western civilization and Christendom. (In fact, I've read that Putin has been pumping up Russian Orthodoxy as a cynical political move; again, I know nothing about this...) (Now, I actually think that, for all his flaws, Orban seems pretty clear-headed about resisting Woketarianism...but that's really a sidebar...) The left freaked out about COVID (partially as an anti-Trump strategy, IMO), so the right decided it was fact, some claimed it was literally nothing...that the entire medical establishment had just mistaken the seasonal flu for a whole new virus... It's still an article of faith in that group that the vax is killing millions of people every year. Some of them also like referring to COVID as "the plandemic," indicating that it was intentionally released by...George Soros...or Klaus Schwab...or the CCP...or some combination of the above.
   Anyway, God knows what Trump will do about Ukraine if he wins. He might well allow the vocal, anti-Ukraine right to convince him to cut aid to Ukraine entirely. He might (as one of my friends has suggested) appoint Tucker Carlson Secretary of State... We just don't know.
   OTOH, his foreign policy seems to have been pretty good the first time around. Better than Biden's, I'd say, and, at least in some notable ways (e.g. Iran) better than Obama's. Fantasies about Trump doing something really crazy just don't seem to be supported by the evidence from his first administration.
   Well, anyway, as I say over and over: I fear Trump because I don't know what he'll do. I fear Biden because I do know what he'll do... Though of course that's not quite right. We really do know a fair bit about what Trump will do...even if his standard deviation seems worrisome. And Biden has actually been worse than I thought he'd be. I knew his administration would do a lot of the stupid shit it's done (e.g. rewriting Title IX--something anyone could see coming from a mile away), but I certainly didn't foresee him inviting hordes of illegals to surge to the border...and I didn't foresee him turning our exit from Afghanistan into a second fall of Saigon. 
   Blah blah blah

* This sort of thing happens a lot, and has certainly happened to the right in the past. It happened with the religious right in the '80s and the neocons after 911... So maybe it's dumb to see what's happening today as an emulation of the contemporary left. Maybe it just happens all the time.


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