Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Byron York: "You Can't Explain Away" Biden's Wandering Around / Phasing Out on All Those Videos

Yes, you can, and York does so himself in the post. I'd guess the title isn't his.
   Biden is old and feeble. Probably too old and feeble to be President. And his phasing out--or whatever it is--isn't good. But it could just be normal old stuff. And what's he going to do? At least he wasn't pretending to dance like Mr. Kamala...
   But there are clearly alternatives to the He's lost it explanation in every case: he's just doing normal old guy stuff.
   Anyway, as I've said, I'm not sure that Democrats should care much. He's a rubber-stamp for progressive-left policies while he's in office...which is what they seem to want. If he wins he'll likely turn it over to Harris, and she'll likely do the same. As long as he listens to his cabinet and the Joint Chiefs, if I were still on the Blue Team, I'd prefer an old, slow Biden to Trump.


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