Sunday, June 16, 2024

John Murawski: 'Transgender' is Falling Out of Favor with Activists

It's all Newspeak.
And here's a tip: never use the language of the oppressor.
Every single term progressives try to push on society contains some kind of sophistry.
Refuse to use it--even if it superficially seems innocent.
   And speaking of 'transgender,' remember back a couple of years ago when the lefties were insisting that the term 'transgenderism' was politically incorrect / "transphobic"? Typical of the left, they had some vague, hand-wavy dissatisfaction with the term so they made up some shitty arguments and then insisted that everyone else accord with their preferences. I refused, of course--but many complied. We were informed that "some trans people" felt that 'transgenderism' was too clinical, and made their very being or whatever sound like a clinical condition. So we were instructed not to say things like:
Trangenderism is nonsense
but, rather:
Transgender is nonsnse.
Though, needless to say, we are never to say either of those specific things!
But anyway: the rules of grammar and clear communication must bend to the PC whims of the looniest and least-rational sector of the population...
Of course the most notorious bit of progressive Newspeak is 'transwoman' / 'trans woman' (and the corresponding 'transman' / 'trans man'). Once you've accepted such a term you're halfway to TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN!!!111 Which, of course, they are not. The term 'trans women' makes it seem analytic that TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN!!!1111 Every time you use the term in a way that's consistent with progressive Newspeak, you're helping to establish the term. 
Of course, since "trans women" are, in fact, men, it would make more sense to refer to "trans women" as trans men...or, well, just men... And I suggest that this should be one of the ways in which we combat these instances of Newspeak--just invert their meanings so that they make more sense. E.g.:
Caitlyn Jenner is a trans man.
Makes a lot more sense that way, and doesn't play into the hands of the Orwellian left.


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