Saturday, June 08, 2024

Thomas C. Stewart: The Day I Went Head-to-Head With Donald Trump

I'd like to believe this--that Trump is a smart, knowledgeable, tough negotiator... 
It's certainly consistent with some things we have good reason to believe--e.g. his business success and some video we have e.g. of him speaking to NATO. 
But it also seems at odds with a lot of things we know--e.g. that he's an inarticulate bullshitter, and a log of smart people who have worked closely with him think he's an idiot.
Me, I think he's a smart doer, not a smart talker. 
But (a) being President also requires that you be a reasonably smart talker, and (b) his most serious defect, according to me, isn't is intelligence, but his temperament.


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