Friday, June 07, 2024

Hunter Biden Laptop ROOSKIE DISINFORMATION Supercut

They hamstring Trump with two years of bullshit about "Russian collusion"--with the media's...well...collusion...
When it all turns out to be bullshit, the left denies this and continues to spew the if their own investigation never happened.
When it turns out to actually be a Democrat dirty trick, this barely shows up in the media at all; to the extent that it does, Dems just avert their eyes.
When actual evidence of Biden wrongdoing appears, the media, in...well...collusion, again...with...well...I mean...I guess you could say deep state operatives...dismiss(es) it, without evidence, as "Russian disinformation"...

I'm no Trump fan, all things considered...but the Blue Team is playing us all...and mostly getting away with it.


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