Monday, June 03, 2024

Taibbi: [The Trump Verdict is] "A Sham Case and Everyone Knows It"

   The more I read about it, the more disgusted I am.
   Taibbi cites this excellent post by Chris Bray.
   The long and the short of it [my summary, not a quote]:
Alvin Bragg and his assistant NYDAs began with the decision to "get" Trump. Bragg campaigned on it. Then they spent years combing through records to find something they thought they might be able to get him for. They finally came up with some candidates, but then couldn't figure out how to make a case that Trump was guilty for doing them. So they worked and worked and cooked and cooked, and brainstormed different ways to connect the dots...until they found some vaguely plausible stories they could tell that might convince a jury that he'd done something wrong...
Then, of course, they managed to get an anti-Trump, pro-Biden judge appointed to the case (not randomly chosen, as is the normal method of selection)...and then they kept part of the charges secret until closing arguments, so that, in a sense, even after his conviction, Trump can't be sure what he was convicted of... 
   So we're back where we always seem to end up (IMO): Trump still shouldn't be President...but the contemporary Progressive-elite-Democrat axis of evil is so very much worse that we are, IMO, left with little choice but to support the bad Orange Man...


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