Sunday, June 02, 2024

Elie Honig: "Prosecutors Got Trump--But They Also Contorted The Law"

Again, we now pretty much know what happened.
   The question is: will it be overturned? 
   I'm vaguely under the impression that the original verdict may get some kind of presumption--but what I actually know about all this is: exactly nothing.
Honig watched the whole trial--as, of course, did the jury. But, among the many weird and amazing things here, are:
(a) I would have thought that Trump would have to be tried and convicted on at least one of the three possible violations associated with NY election law section 17-152. That Bragg could basically stealth try a second case--on which the overall conviction depended--as a sidebar or subroutine without securing at least one separate conviction for any of the three alleged other violations...and that the jury did not have to specify nor agree on which of these alleged crimes Trump had committed...just seems absolutely crazy to me.
(b) The fact that Bragg so obviously set out to "get" Trump, ran on that platform, and then cobbled together this Rube Goldberg case seems like the sort of thing that should get a DA himself prosecuted.
(c)  The fact that he was basically permitted to keep part of the case against Trump secret until (just before) closing statements.

   Even if Trump had been found not guilty, it wouldn't have mattered to the Blue Team. Look what they did when Mueller found no evidence of Trumpian "collusion" with Russia:
Accused Mueller of also being a Russian asset, then said well, it wasn't exoneration...then cherry-picked certain parts of the Mueller report and (laughably) argued that those had in fact, proven "collusion," then went to the Senate report and argued that that had proven collusion... It is as if the Mueller investigation never happened. Before its conclusion was announced, it was the gold standard for such investigations. After it failed to produced the desired conclusion, it was memory-holed.
   They are never going to accept any contrary hypothesis with respect to Trump. He's an evilwhiteracist, a felon, a Russian asset...and anything else they can dream up. This is an axiom, not a conclusion.
   And this yet another plank in the totalitarian platform the left is building. Now they're channeling the spirit of Beria: shown a man, they find a crime.
   It's not all that easy to make yourselves worse than Trump--but the Blue Team asked us to hold its collective beer, rolled up its sleeves, and got the job done.


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