Saturday, June 01, 2024

HRC Did the Same Thing Trump Did (But An Order of Magnitude Worse) and Got a Slap on the Wrist

Hey, don't forget--hell, I almost forgot--that Hillary did sort of the same thing Trump did...but a long metric shit-ton worse...and got a slap on the wrist--an $8k fine. 
   The Clinton Campaign actually produced a slurry of (a) pure political fabrication and (b) Roosky disinformation and used it to illicitly influence the election--and then to hamstring the Trump Presidency. This dirtiest political trick of 21st-century American politics was swept under the rug by the American media. Mark Elias was clearly guilty of making false statements about it to the FBI...but a partisan DC jury just plain let him off. (Again: it may not be possible for such trials to be fair in DC or NYC.)*

Incidentally: I couldn't remember how much Hillary was fined, so I--and I knew this was stupid when I did it--clicked on the Wikipedia link, thinking surely they can at least get this right.. 
That shit is astonishingly dishonest. The entry on the Steele Dossier includes a long, irrelevant, single-source section rehearsing arguments by Philip Bump (lol) for the conclusion that teh Trumpz Towerz meeting wuz worst then teh Steel Dossier!!!111oneone...
But, then, it's my own fault. I knew better. Anything closer to contemporary leftist obsessions than Golgi bodies or the Battle of Cowpens...well...Wikipedia simply can't be trusted...
(I mean...I'd guess they do get the $8k figure right...somewhere...but I didn't have the patience to wade through the bullshit...)

* Hey, also don't forget: Trump crowds chanted "lock her up" that was just as bad as the "hush money" travesty of justice! Just the same! His crowds chanted it, but Trump made absolutely no move to do trying to lock Trump up...just the same!

Jeez, they've really lost it.


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