Friday, May 31, 2024

Shaun McGuire: I Just Donated $300k to Trump

I don't agree with all of this, but I think it's very right in general. The stuff I tend to disagree with is stuff that he knows a lot more about than I do--e.g. he thinks that the Russians did significantly interfere with the 2016 election. I am under the impression that their interference was pretty routine and pro forma. He also thinks that the decision to leave Afghanistan was worse than I tend to think it was. He thinks giving up Bagram airfield was disastrous--I'd never thought much about that.
   But I think this is a smart and interesting post, and, again, I agree with most of it.
   More to the point of the moment, I certainly agree that the lawfare against Trump, including Bragg's seemingly absurd "hush money" case is absolutely appalling. The weaponization of the legal system against Trump and Republicans is something everyone should be outraged about. Unfortunately I've come around to the view that prominent Republicans may simply not be able to receive fair trials in NYC or DC. 
   It doesn't help that Bragg's case seemed so ridiculous and convoluted that, on those grounds alone, it seemed to me to be almost impossible to deny that there was reasonable doubt afoot... But I'll have to go through it all more carefully when the hivemind produces more detailed analyses.
   I'd emphasize the Democrats' capitulation to the radical left more, of course. They've simply gone off the rails--to such an extent that Trump has become the lesser of the available evils. For years, IMO, this has been less about Trump than about the madness that has possessed the other side.
   And, of course, Trump is far, far less bad than the left-wing noise machine wants to have us believe. He was actually a good President, with a very solid record of accomplishment. I just don't think he has the temperament required by the office. Whatever my disagreements with Obama, at least the guy had the right temperament--in spades.
   At any rate, I think this is a good, short statement of the case for Trump over Biden (or any plausible Democrat).
   Unfortunately, my exasperation with the Blue Team has become so acute that it's becoming difficult for me to remain at all objective. So I'm going to try turning my attention away from this stuff for awhile. Maybe that'll help.


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