Thursday, May 30, 2024

"5 Easy Actions Employers Can Take to Help Menstruators [sic] Thrive at Work"

From the linked article:

To commemorate this Menstrual Hygiene Day, the Women’s Bureau is breaking down the stereotypes and stigmas that have made menstruation a taboo topic in the workplace. Menstruation is a natural part of half our population’s life, and yet it has been overlooked in the context of work - perhaps because it is seen as a personal issue or uncomfortable to discuss. The taboo nature of menstruation has likely contributed to the lack of understanding about its impact on workers, which can include challenges related to symptoms of premenstrual syndrome; unexpected or heavy bleeding; and pain from cramps, headaches or migraines while at work.
Implementing workplace policies that address menstruation can enable menstruating employees to continue to fully participate in and contribute to the workforce while mitigating adverse effects to their mental and physical health.
   I do they know that menstruation is "part of half our population's life"? I mean...they don't keep track of menstruation...yet... And anyone can be a menstruator, according to them. I mean, clearly it's not associated with any particular demographic group...y'know...race or ethnicity or age or...I feel like I'm forgetting something...but, anyway, obviously if it were associated with any identifiable group, they'd just say so... But menstruation can happen to anybody! It's purely notional. You could be identifying as a menstruator deep down on the inside and not even know it! So...the question in the world do they know that half the population are "menstruators"?
   (Also, isn't it weird that a symptom is "migraines at work?")
   If anybody figures this out, lemme know...
   But, until then: happy Menstrual Hygiene Day!



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