Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Presidential Odds: Trump 57.2%, Biden 40.9%

   What a damn mess.
   Best case scenario(?): Trump picks a good VP and then bails. (Though I guess none of the proposed veeps on the alleged short list really knock me out.) The Pubs keep the House and take the Senate, undo the worst dumbassery of the last four years in a spasm of undoing...then we go back to divided government in the midterm. Or, if the Dems stay on the crazy train, I guess it'd be better for the Pubs to just keep both houses...which they won't. I don't think the Pubs will really yank funding for Ukraine--which I guess I still think would be a bad idea.
   Actually, I barely even know what I wish would happen anymore. Unless/until the Dems return to their senses, which seems decreasingly likely to me, I just kind of think we're screwed. Maybe a Trump landslide / huge electoral loss would slap some sense into them...but it seems to me that rarely works. The losing party generally just makes up a story about how they weren't able to "get [their] message across to the voters." They never really seem to admit that their message just sucked...and their message sucked because their ideas sucked. Not even to themselves.
   This may not be the darkest timeline...but it may be the stupidest.


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