Thursday, May 30, 2024

Just Sent a Donation to Trump/WinRed

Just sent a couple hundred bucks to Trump at WinRed (I'm not sure he has a separate campaign site yet. Biden's pops up immediately...but if Trump has one, Bing isn't showing it).
   Now, I'm still willing to reconsider. If, say, Turley or Andrew McCarthy or someone changes his mind and makes a cogent case that, somehow, this giant steaming pile of malicious prosecution actually makes sense after all...but I really doubt they will.
   Alvin Bragg belongs in jail. But sadly, that's never gonna happen.
   Donate. Volunteer. Vote.
   Trump's certainly not my preferred candidate. And he probably isn't yours. But the alternative reveals its real nature more clearly by the day.
   And don't forget:


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