Monday, June 17, 2024

Triggernometry: "Brianna Wu" Claims He's Seen the Light, Opposes Woketarian Madness

[Now with more link!]

"Wu" (ne John Walker Flynt) was one of the main players in Gamergate. He was caught faking his own harassment, among many other things. Now he claims to have seen the light and recognized woke madness for what it is. I find the guy to be absolutely unworthy of belief--regardless of whether we go on demeanor or history. But people make mistakes, and publicly acknowledging them is good... So good on him for that.
   But I don't believe him.
   I mean, I believe what he actually says--which is that he now views cancel culture and the insanest reaches of the American left to be nuts...because it turned on him... If you really listen to what he says, it's: Hey, I'm still and extreme progressive Dem, but now I don't like the leftiest left because it came after me because I support Israel...and I think that loony sub-faction is going to lose us elections...
   So, anyway, yeah: I believe that part. 
   But Wu is trying to represent himself as more than that...and gain the trust of people like me. 
   No dice on that, bro...

   Incidentally, Google or Bing 'Gamergate' some time. What you'll see is that the left has managed to completely suppress the truth about it. The Wikipedia article is outright wouldn't be much different if it had been written by Zoe Quinn herself... In fact, merely producing a 100% biased entry isn't enough--Wikipedia actually titles the entry:

When merely producing leftist propaganda isn't gotta shove that propaganda right into the title of the post...
The Gamergate wiki seems to have been taken down. "Rationalwiki" is, as usual, even more overtly insane than Wikipedia. And hit after hit on Google and Bing are posts repeating the party line.
   If the Orwellian progressive left doesn't horrify you, you aren't paying any attention at all.


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