Saturday, June 22, 2024

Today's Stupidest Thing of All Time: Scientific American Doesn't Think You're Panicking Enough

   The mind, it reeleth.
   Leftist catastrophism has become a problem in its own right. It's now semi-separable from all the crusades, causes and platform-planks its designed to advance. Sure, this post is really about pumping up COVID hysteria, Trump hysteria, climate hysteria, and disinformation hysteria toward the ends of promoting preferred leftist policies in those areas. (The word 'Trump' never appears...but the man, the myth, the demon lurks behind most of the sentences.) But creating a pervasive climate of dread is the general means to those various ends.
   The left is deeply Marxist, and, as such, it is deeply committed to his playbook. Exaggerating or fabricating crises is the first step toward revolution. Widespread fear and anxiety is a prelude to throwing out the system and ushering in a radical new one. Fears is the route to utopia. Fear and anxiety are somewhat generic, as well, and the left knows how to direct them toward whatever goals seem achievable at the time.
   The right did this shit to us in Iraq, though in a more focused way. Remember how we couldn't wait for the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud? They played us like a violin, despite the ineptness of their game and the patent thinness of their case. The left is much more adept at this shit, and its angling for far more widespread changes. What they really want is the upending of Western civilization...though they'll settle for the creation of an (allegedly) omnicompetent state run by the elites and their activist toadies/masters... A state in which hate speech and wrongthink are things of the past, candidates with wrong positions are de facto excluded from the race by media "fact"-checkers, everyone is masked and vaxxed all the live in the eat the own nothing and you're...well, fuck your happiness, actually. But maybe you will be. I mean, you mostly do what they tell you to they'll just tell you to be happy...
   I've got things to do, believe it or not. 
   And I'm trying to resist the urge to dig into the cosmically stupid details of this cosmically stupid SciAm post...but that's really a waste of everyone's time.
   Just read the thing.
   It wears its absurdity on its sleeve.
   My favorite bit, though: the bit about how the left must be the truth-tellers, because reality.
   Imagine the worldview of a leftist who could write such a thing...
   At any rate: progressives are very angry at you for not responding properly to their various efforts to hysteriate you. They are very, very disappointed.
   So get out there and be very, very afraid...

   Finally: among all the insane and horrifying things about the PC left, perhaps the most horrifying is its totalitarianism. Its crazy ideas must be injected into everything. The very idea of science being something separate from politics is anathema to the left. Scientific journals (e.g. Nature) and venues for the popular discussion of scientific goings-on (e.g. SciAm)...all must be Lysenkoized. The very idea of apolitical venues is liberal [spit]...counterrevolutionary... Everything is political. The personal, of course...the historical...the educational...the medical...the scientific...everything. You're never, say, just working on a logic problem or trying to fix your lawnmower. You're always, simultaneously, either fighting racism, or the patriarchy, or phallogocentrism, or whatever...or you're promoting them. So there you are, reading a novel. Are you fighting racism? If no, then you're an oppressor, jack...
 Of course this view entails that you should never be doing anything but fighting "oppression." The part of fixing your lawnmower where you're actually fixing it is the part where you're not doing your job as a good leftist. They say that every math class should include "antiracism"...but the view, if made even vaguely consistent, actually entails that there should be no math classes. If you spend 15 minutes on calculus and 30 minutes on "antiracism"...that's 15 wasted, immoral, politically incorrect minutes you should have been devoting to Doing The Work(tm)...

Utter madness...


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