Monday, June 24, 2024

"Queer Temporality"

These are the kinds of weak, midwit ideas that form the core of the recent-Continental-inspired orientation that took over the humanities and qualitative social "sciences" in the '80s.
   It's not that there's no idea there at's, rather, that it's such a weak and uninteresting idea that nobody should spend more than about five minutes thinking about it. And, of course, the phenomena she's talking about is actually fairly common, and affects most people in some way or other...but it's typical of literary leftist academia to care about it only with respect to something like PC sexuality. Look, all sorts of people pass some ordinary life milestone or other early or late or in some other non-standard way...people graduate early from high school, or late from college, or they switch careers, or they find love late in life or buy a house late or have to move around a lot or...on and on and on... "Queer" people experiencing the same general kind of thing almost everybody else experiences in some way is only particularly interesting if you have some antecedent special interest in "queer" people...which, of course, the academic literary left does...


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