Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Admiral" "Rachel" Levine Pressured WPATH to Remove Age Restrictions from "Transgender" Standards of Care

What they want is the unrestricted ability to brainwash and sexually mutilate children, without regard to age, and without parental interference.

   According to a long and astonishing/horrifying thread by Chad Felix Greene, he had sex with many men when he was 14, and they all knew his age. He writes: "LGBTQ culture has no socially imposed boundaries on it...Teen sex workers are the norm in LGBTQ centers...Progressives view children as sexual beings and independent from their parents." [I only seem able to link to the first tweet in the thread--but you can find the rest if you're interested.]
   These are, of course, claims we were all taught, as good liberals/Democrats, to dismiss out of hand.
   I have no idea whether Greene is telling the truth. (I'd say I don't know why he'd lie...but if there's one thing I've realized over the course of the last decade or so: people lie for reasons you just couldn't have guessed...) Greene may be wrong for all I know. But fighting one's way out of the liberal/progressive/leftist/blue echo chamber is a long process of realizing that many propositions you were taught to accept uncritically are false, and many you were taught to dismiss reflexively are true...


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