Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Biden's Surgeon General Declares Guns a "Public Health Emergency"

The medicalization of everything is a problem in itself (that I've long complained about). 
An additional problem is that the left uses its control over the medical establishment to push its worldview and policy preferences.
Now, see...I would have thought that guns would better be considered a public safety issue...
But progressives don't want that. That would force them to acknowledge and address black crime and black-on-black violence. 
And that they absolutely do not want to do.
What they want to treat it as a morally neutral problem. Hey, dude pulls a gun on you to take your stuff...you shoot him...two acts of gun violence...that's all...
Right, wrong, aggression, defense...words, words, words.
Freedom, rights, all that shit...forget it. Gun violence is like the flu. There's no good flu or bad flu, no justified or unjustified flu...it's just something we need to control and try to eliminate. 
Somebody breaks into your house and you shoot them...you just perpetrated gun violence, jack...
Defund the police and replace their authority with that of the omnipotent medical state...

From the people who bought you kiddie brainwashing and castration...


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