Friday, June 28, 2024

Debate 6/27/24.2

Yeah, I know I said I probably wouldn't watch it...but there it was, right on the teevee...I couldn't resist.

I tuned in just before Biden phased on early in the debate. That was painful to watch. I actually looked away from the television and winced. I don't respect him...but he doesn't deserve this. I shudder to think what Putin and Xi are thinking this morning.

Anyway, everybody on the blue team other than a few real dead-enders is abandoning Biden in a panic and asking how to go about switching candidates. 

This morning's RCP betting odds are brutal:

Trump 54.8%
Biden 19.2

And then the rest:
Newsome 10.8
Harris 4.5
Obama 4.0
Whitmer 2.3

ANY of those others ends up the Dem candidate, I expect I'll have to send a lot of money to Trump and volunteer doggedly (as I (in retrospect, probably foolishly) did for Obama...but on the other side...).

Joe Biden, terrible as he's been, is not the problem.

The problem is the Democratic party.

Or, rather: the problem is the Democratic party as it stands today, possessed by the spirit of unhinged, anti-rationalist, hard-left, Orwellian progressivism.

Imagine Newsome being the candidate... Which is to imagine the USA being California'd. 
That is a truly horrifying prospect.

And how would they get around Harris, anyway? A black woman with a shot at the Presidency?
Hell, Harris might be better than Newsome...

Please, God, no...
Michelle Obama?
A reductio ad absurdum of the United States of America.

Well, I'd at least consider him...

What a mess.


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