Sunday, June 30, 2024


   Of course the left loves language-policing. And of course their strictures are often ad hoc and impressionistic. See e.g.: Mitt Romney, "binders full of women." Everybody knew what he meant. There was nothing wrong with it. It was slightly ambiguous and infelicitous. But Democrats turned it into a scandal. Does Romney think that women are kept in notebooks????????? And BINDERS in particular???
   Similarly, they've seized on Trump's comment that illegal aliens are talking "black jobs"...and now Democrats across Twixxer are pretending not to know what he meant. "What's a black job?," they are asking, not quite being able to authentically feign puzzlement...
   Here's a wee hint: it's: a job had by a black person.
   But, despite the absolute lack of a puzzle here, the Blue Team won't accept that for an answer.
   They'll never let go of an opportunity to suggest--or outright assert--racism of a Republican candidate.
   Everywhere on Tixxer, black Democrats are posting pictures of themselves in suits, academic regalia, medical scrubs... Here I am...I'm a lawyer/professor/ I have a black job???
   Answer: If you're black, then yes.
   This is one reason people don't pay any attention to criticisms of Trump much of it is just so damn stupid.
   I mean...the black family, black culture, Black Entertainment Network, historically black colleges and universities...this type of locution has never caused problems in the know...
   Note that the important point here isn't that Trump said something true and important--especially to blacks... The important point isn't that many blacks are, indeed, in direct competition with illegals for jobs... Oh, no. Au contraire, mon frere... The important point is that THE BAD ORANGE MAN he...he...SAID SOMETHING! He said something that, though perfectly ordinary, CAN BE SPUN INTO SOMETHING THAT SOUNDS VAGUELY AWKWARD AND UNCOMFORTABLE!!!111oneoneone

   And, boys, and girls, it is via imbecility of this and many other kinds that so many people have been led to say: fuck all y'all and all y'all's horses that ya rode in on...
   I'm voting for the outlaw...


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