Sunday, July 07, 2024

Biden's Age Makes a Democrat "Come to Jesus" Moment Less Likely

I think it's extremely important for the Dems to regain their sanity.
It's largely the lack of two sane parties that makes Trump (IMO) the less-craptastic candidate.
So I'm among those who have been hoping for the Dems to get absolutely crushed in November.
Of course (as I say every four years) the losers typically learn less from losses than they should. They always reflexively--and sometimes reflectively--blame superficial shit. Typically "messaging."
We just didn't get our message out there effectively, Bob.
Rarely do they admit that they got their message out just sucked.
Generally, losers try to find the most superficial and contingent explanation they can--the explanation that leaves their high self-regard and worldview most intact.
But sometimes, in a cool hour, people do recognize such things...even if they can't bring themselves to say them.
I mean--the Democrats dalenda est anyway... I'm not hoping for their defeat just in order to improve them. They've completely lost their collective mind and are destroying the country. I just think that slapping some sense into them could also have the beneficial side effect of forcing some clarity onto them.

My concern is probably pretty clear.
NOW, even if the Dems get destroyed, they've got an extremely convenient excuse: Biden was old.
It wasn't all the Orwellian Newspeak and reality-denial, Bob. And it damn sure wasn't the deluge of third-world illegals. It wasn't the totalitarian speech restrictions. And it sure as hell wasn't the child sexual mutilation... What it was was: our candidate was old.
So anyway, there's a prediction: if the Dems lose--and even if they get crushed--they'll blame Biden rather than their lunatic ideas.

Of course we could response: well, your delusional refusal to recognize Biden's decline is of a piece with your general detachment from reality--your subordination of evidence to political dogma. Political correctness, in short.
And maybe so.
But I expect that's an explanatory bridge too far. Every possible offramp (to mix metaphors) is another chance to avoid facing the real problem.



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