Friday, July 12, 2024

Do Dems Want Noncitizen Voting?: Biden Officially Opposes SAVE Act

Hm. Flood the nation with illegal aliens and oppose proof of citizenship for voting... There does seem to be a readily-available explanation for this...
   Each of the Dems' actions on illegal immigration is bizarre individually. Taken together, however...connecting the doesn't look good. At all.
   Honestly, the mad spiral the Democrats are in is perhaps the most horrifying thing I've seen in American politics in my lifetime. Even just on this issue, their descent has been dizzying. From the standard, sane: legal immigration is good, but illegal immigration is bad, to, basically: you are a racist if you oppose or impede illegal immigration in any way, to: Sanctuary cities! Refuse to enforce racist immigration laws!, to, in some Democrat strongholds: Illegal aliens can vote (in local elections)... And it's becoming more plausible to think that they've got designs on pushing to normalize illegal aliens voting across the board. Some lefties have already argued that everyone in the world should be able to vote in American elections, on the grounds that our actions affect them so much. And all this in, what, about 15 or 20 years?
   There's a slippery slope element in that argument. Contrary to popular believe, slippery slope arguments are not always fallacious. Some are, some aren't. Since the left tends to move leftward, that makes such arguments stronger in that context than they ordinarily are.
   I got lots of flack for arguing, about 15 years ago, that the progressive/Democrat position on this was becoming more and more difficult to distinguish from open borders. But I was right.
   It's beyond any doubt that the radical left wing wants noncitizen voting. And undoubtedly it's already happening to some extent--though the evidence I've seen indicates that it's not enough to matter much. But, all other points aside, elections are as much about transparency and confidence as about the final tally--elections must not only be fair, we must have good reason to be confident that they're fair. So we should pass the SAVE act.
   Less-radical, more pragmatic Dems probably realize that the act will impede their efforts to squeeze votes out of indifferent, uninformed populations that they've come to rely on. The GOP probably realizes that, too. Neither side can really say this, though. At any rate, that's my guess. To some extent this fight isn't about what it's about. 
   I side with the GOP here on both issues, though. I actually don't want either party to extract votes from the uninformed and unmotivated. Basically, if you don't care enough to vote, I don't want you to. Even before I was redpilled, I sometimes said to my students: don't vote if you don't know what's going on. Be informed. And if you're informed, you'll probably be motivated to vote. But motivating yourself to vote just to vote, without any understanding of the issues, just makes things worse.
   Hell, I shouldn't have voted until like ten years ago, truth be told...


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