Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Trump on Project 2025

 I think Trump should turn this around on them--he should relentlessly emphasize his disagreements with it, and hammer them on falsely linking him to it. Just brutally, repeatedly emphasize that they're lying about his polices, and they've always lied about them.
   I'd go with something like: They don't want you to know what my agenda is...just as they don't want you to know what their agenda is
Mine: secure the border. Theirs: de facto open borders. Mine: keep leftist indoctrination, including gender pseudoscience, out of K-12. Theirs: brainwashing kids with it and permitting their sexual mutilation. Mine: Reject climate apocalypticism. Theirs: Wasting $1 trillion on a largely fictional problem. Mine: Eliminating DEI indoctrination and racial preferences everywhere. Theirs: expand them even farther. They do now want you to know what they would do. They do not want you to know what I would do...
   Just keep hammering on this so that every time they bring it up they put their own dishonesty on display.
   Trump, as others have noted (not my point), is basically a 1990s Democrat. He has swerved right to pick up votes--e.g. approving of the Ten Commandments being posted in schools. But I just don't think he's serious. He's not going to pursue it.
   Jeez, can you believe all this? Imagine being told 15 years ago: Yeah, your choice in 2024 is going to be between Donald freakin' Trump--now a Republican somehow--and a Democrat party that has gone full-on Orwellian, and now believes, inter alia, that women have penises...
   Nobody would have believed it.


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