Saturday, July 13, 2024

Batya Ungar-Sargon: The Truth About Trump? He's a Moderate

   He's basically a '90s liberal.
   Biden may be, too...what's left of him... But (as I predicted back in 2020) he's basically a rubber stamp for the Dems' progressive-left platform and the ideas of the progressive leftists on his staff.
   Personally, Biden's always been a clown--and he's been a crook for some time. Trump, OTOH, is a clown and a long-time con man. Neither person is admirable. But Biden can usually keep it together in public and act like a normal human being. Trump often can't. In terms of temperament and demeanor, Biden wins.
   But in terms of policy, Trump is largely on target, Biden is, well, again: just a rubber stamp for the insanity that has possessed the Democrat party. And the Democrats don't even realize how radical they've become. Mainly because they always paint the Republican candidate as Hitler...and then they believe their own hysterical fabrications.
   They're currently driving themselves berserk over the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. People keep trying to tell them that it's not Trump's plan, that he doesn't agree with it, that it's largely at odds with his Agenda 47 and the GOP platform--not to mention Trump's long-standing policy positions... But you know them. It's always hard to tell whether they actually believe something or are saying it to be politically correct--or for political effect. The polls and Biden's decline are making them desperate. They're grabbing hold of Project 2025 like a life preserver.
   WHAT ABOUT THE (trans, of course) CHILDREN?????
   Democracy, you see, cannot survive without brainwashing and sexually mutilating children.
   I think Montesquieu says that somewhere...
   Anyway. They're very good at propaganda.
   So I guess we'll see.


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