Friday, August 02, 2024

Silver: Election Now (Technically) a Toss-Up

Not good news in my current opinion...
Not that now is a representative time to be polling...but seems to have gone from lead-pipe cinch to anybody's ballgame like flipping a switch.
Silver says odds now are:
Trump: 54.9%
Harris: 44.6%
He defines a toss-up as any case in which both candidates have a 40% or better chance of winning.
   On the bright side, I have so many reservations about Trump that I'm semi-ok with him losing...even though that will mean four more years of devastating Democrat administrative rule...and probably some SCOTUS pickups. Ugh. Also I really don't see the Dems coming to their senses without a big electoral loss to slap some sense into them. But that's pretty speculative.


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