Friday, August 02, 2024

Olympic Boxing: Transanity?

I don't know what's going on, but I read that the alleged males boxing in the female division are actually intersexed. That's a very different matter than transanity. There are a bunch of different disorders of sexual development, and, apparently, there are at least some genuine borderline cases--borderline, that is, between male and female. One story about what's going on is that one of the boxers seems anatomically female, but has XY chromosomes, and perhaps didn't even realize this until fairly late in life. That doesn't necessarily mean that person should be allowed to box in the women's division...just, again, that this may not be mere transanity.
   Anyway, trans woo is bullshit, and I have no patience for it whatsoever. But it's apparently not clear that that's what's going on here.


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