Friday, August 09, 2024

Harsanyi: "Kamala Media Blackout Would Be Amazing If She Weren't Running For President"

   The MSM is basically a Democrat propaganda operation. Perhaps you think this is a good thing--but you need, at least, to admit that it's true. They've gone after Trump for nearly ten years now--and I'm not thinking of the legitimate criticisms, but just the blue-team hit jobs. They ran interference for Biden during his basement campaign of 2020. They covered up his cognitive decline...then turned on a dime and shredded him when it became clear that the swindle was not working, and that he was going to lose. Then they turned on another dime and became part of the nauseating Kamala marketing campaign. Most recently, of course, they've been singing the praises of Walz--the most recent Greatest American Of All Time...
The Democrats’ new presidential candidate, who’s never won a single primary vote, might have been crowned but hasn’t given a real interview or even an extemporaneous political statement since Democrat bigwigs pushed Biden aside. In a functioning liberal republic, this would be pretty big news.
The last time the vice president of the United States had a press conference was December 2023. The last time sat down with any media was June 24, when she was interviewed by the sycophants on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Before that was the “Momala” Harris interview with Drew Barrymore, which might be the most cringe-worthy display of fawning in recorded history.
“What is the incentive for her [to take more questions]?” a person close to Harris’ campaign told Politico recently. “She’s getting out exactly the message she wants to get out.”
Indeed, it’s quite the paradox. The media continue to baby Kamala and get her message out to the public, so Kamala doesn’t feel the least bit of urgency in clarifying her record.
If they were so inclined, the naval-gazing media could probably get Kamala out of her shell by doing some honest, deep dives into her history and positions. If her lack of transparency were a daily top-of-the-fold story she would be compelled to speak.
Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he’s done scores of interviews and pressers over the past few months, many of them with antagonistic venues — including taking questions at the National Association of Black Journalists convention just weeks after surviving an assassination attempt.
Kamala hasn’t spoken to a hostile outlet in years. She won’t even take questions from her fans.
Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, is compelled to answer questions about a throwaway comment he made on a podcast before he was even in the Senate. Kamala just sends her minions to walk back major policy positions that would fundamentally affect every American. She staked out these radical positions only a few years earlier while running for the same office. Kamala isn’t triangulating her views for a general election, she is effectively negating an entire political history through press releases.
Kamala, for instance, says she no longer supports banning all air travel, meat, and combustible engines. That’s nice. Kamala says she no longer believes in decriminalizing illegal border crossings. Good. The media treat her new claims as indisputable. No questions asked. No explanations given.
Is Kamala still going to try to ban semiauto rifles through an executive order? Does she believe all Americans should “end up in the same place” no matter how hard they work? Does she support defunding the police? We have no clue. [My emphases]


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